Thursday, February 6, 2014

Week 21: Benefits of Tongues

Gong Xi Fa Chai to everyone!

Blessed be the children of God whom seek diligently to know Him. I believe this year is a year of greater blessing, not because the Year of Horse can bring good luck. In fact, we, as Christian, do not associate with the word "luck" (which the first 3 letters of the word "luck" spell the name of Lucifier, the fallen angel or better known as "satan").

If we identify every good things that happen to us as "lucky", unconsciously we are actually denying the existence and finished work of our Lord Jesus. A better word to replace this would be the word "Grace". As much as the word "luck" is associate with Lucifier, the word "Grace" is associate with Jesus. In fact, if you replace the word "Grace" with the word "Jesus" and vice versa in the Bible, you will see a clearer meaning of the Bible. This is because Grace is not a subject, Grace is a person and Jesus is that person, Amen!

There is every reason why God pen-off the last page of the Bible with the word "Grace" and there is every reason why the last book of the Bible is Revelation. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ and not anti-Christ. The entire Bible is about Jesus. Jesus is the Old Testament concealed and the New  Testament revealed. This Bible is a divine book and contain lots of hidden truths and secrets. The bible say it this way:

Proverbs 25:2"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter."

As we go along, I hope to share with you more of these truths and secrets. The ultimate revelation we should seek is the revelation of Jesus Christ and His finished work. Simple yet profound.

Ok, back to our topic on praying in tongues. Last week, we talk about how speaking in tongues can help us to "untie" knots of trouble, stress, anger, bitterness, resentment, worries, anxiety or anything negative. These knots are the root to diseases & sickness.

Speaking in tongues is very much like charging a phone. By doing so will charge us up positively in Spirit. And when we know someone who is negative (anger, stress, worries, etc) and we lay hand on that person, power of restoration, comfort, love, peace will be released to that person. In short, this is what healing the sick or deliverance is all about.

God leave this stewardship of speaking in tongues to us. Speaking in tongues is what it does to our spirit man just like what carry weights do to our physical body. The more we speak, the bigger the spirit man becomes.

In the natural realm, Brain specialists at Oral Roberts University’s hospital found out through research and testing that when a person prays in tongues, his brain releases two chemicals that are directed to his immune system, giving it a 35 to 40 per cent boost. Interestingly, these secretions are triggered by a part of our brain that has no other apparent activity and which is activated only when we pray in tongues.

Other separate studies also show that when we pray in tongues, it actually lower our stress level and reduce our blood pressure, Amen!

With all these health benefits, I would encourage you to speak in tongues more often. And not be restricted to speaking in church only, but also while you are driving, cooking, jogging, or as and when possible. I am confident that you will be amazed by the results.

When you see what a gift God have given us, don't you think God really love us...really...and I hope you can sense His love by now.

With this, I leave you with this bible verse to meditate:

Roman 8:31-32"

31 What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?]

32 He who did not withhold or spare [even] His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all [other] things?


Dated: 6 Feb 2014

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