Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 23: Having Faith

Good day, Mdm.

So far, we have been discussing on personal healing/well being/health.. We spoke about one could partake holy communion, read the Scriptures and pray in tongues to achieve the state of well being.

In fact, it is the desire of our Lord that we walk in great health. Before Jesus went to the cross, the last thing He said to His disciples in John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. " After His resurrection, the first thing He said to His disciples in John 20:19 "...Peace be with you.."

Our Lord want us to be in the state of peace, "Peace" in Hebrew is "Shalom" which mean well, favor, friend, great, good health, perfect. In the New Covenant, God is on our side .. When Jesus went to the cross, He has already conquered sin once and for all. He is now seated at the right hand of our Father.

Psalms 110:1

"The Lord (God) said to my Lord (Jesus),“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”

So God told Jesus to sit.. which mean rest.... until God make (not Jesus make) His enemies His footstool. Note it is one thing to conquer the enemies, it is another thing to make the enemies the footstool. Jesus is now seated, at rest while His Father (God) bring every enemies (poverty,sickness, lack, worries, condemnation, depression, etc) under His feet.

Now that we are seated together with Him in the heavenly places (Eph 2:6), our posture should be similar like Him... seated (at rest) while our God bring our enemies under our feet, Amen! The bible says "As He is, so are we in this world.." Jesus has conquered sin, so are we in this world, Jesus has conquered sickness/poverty/depression/bondage/fear/anxiety, so are we in this world (not in heaven, in this world)Today, we no longer fight for victory, we fight from victory, Amen!

What it mean is when we walk into a dark place, we don't say "Oh, so dark, I am scared... the demon may attack me, so scared, but maybe if I pray to Jesus, He will help me..." This is called "fight for victory."

Instead, we should be saying" Oh, demon, you better flee...I command you to leave in the name of Jesus! " This is called "fight from victory."

The moment we identify ourselves in Christ, we reign with Him in life, Amen! Ok, so much for the introduction....This actually lead to what we would like to discuss today.. How do we have more faith in our Lord??

 It is important as believers that we have faith for the bible says that without faith, it is impossible to please God. We want to please God, we want God to be on our side. How then that we can have more faith??

In Rom 10:17, the bible says Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God... Note the "word" here in Greek is "rhema" (pronounce ray-mah)

Rhema is the revealed word of God, as an utterance from God to the heart of the receiver via the Holy Spirit.

For example, when you are running marathon.. Half way through you feel exhausted, your leg become heavy and you feel like giving up... all of the sudden, Holy Spirit remind you of this bible verse Isaiah 40:29 "He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength." Then this verse become the rhema of God.

You utter this verse, you confess this verse, you claim this verse, this rhema word from God for your situation. The moment you confess and speak out this particular verse, faith is in you.

Notice your focus is in the rhema word and not on faith. Faith comes when you confess the rhema word of God. Often we say we want to have more faith, the key is not to focus on the subject (faith) but focus on the object (Word of God).

If a student want to score 100 marks for Math, he doesn't focus on 100 marks, Instead, he focus on answering correctly all the exam questions in Maths.

Ok, we shall stop here... Next week, we will look at another example in the bible on having faith.


Dated: 20 Feb 2014

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