Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week 24: When you see His Grace, He see your faith!

Good day, Mdm.

Praise be to God and His Glory. Thank you Jesus for His Grace. My heart is full... Full of gratitude towards His unmerited favor. Wow, this has been a year of great glory thus far... First, the promotion on my current job.. Even though I've rejected it (due to political reason; being new in work place & not to create unnecessary envy among peers) , increment of salary was given nevertheless, Amen.. Praise the Lord!...

And then, I am thankful for the bonus... A decent one after so many years of "drought"... And the amount is the highest payout among various departments....Amen!

Amazingly, when I first join this company, after a few weeks, I was on the verge to quit... You know my story.. I was then jobless for a year and desperately looking for one until I landed on this job... And yet I thought I won't last long here... Little do I know that God has set me up here for His blessings... I doubt I could have gotten so much payout if I was offered by the other jobs then prior to this one. I still remember my disappointment over not being offered those jobs interview... Indeed, when I look at the natural then, it seems like life was not working out for me and God seem no where to be found... God is good. He has already planned everything for us, all we need is to trust and "rest" in Him and not be deceived by what we see in the natural. Amen!

And His goodness continue to flow in us... I just received an email from HDB that we are eligible for flat selection! Praise be to God! We have been always wanting to find a new home but never been successful. Thank God for His favor...

I tell you... as much as you are sensitive to the word "Grace" these days... I am, as well,  super-sensitive to this word.  Amazing Grace! The power of Christ Jesus and His finished work!

Come to think about it... I have to thank you too...... for I found "Grace" when you are saved! You know what I mean..   Amen!

Ok, so much to thank God for.. let's go back to His Words...

Last week, we talk about faith.. Faith is something we need as believers.. Without faith, we cannot please God... And then, we say that faith come by hearing God's Word.. rhema word in particular.. In other words, we build faith by believing and meditating on God's Words... We don't build faith by focusing on our faith per say but on His rhema word.. Put it another way, we are unconscious to faith and conscious to His rhema word if we want faith in our lives.

Ok, let's look at another example on faith...

Luke 8:43-48

43"Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, 

44 came from behind and touched the border of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood stopped.

45 And Jesus said, “Who touched Me?”When all denied it, Peter and those with him said, “Master, the multitudes throng and press You, and You say, ‘Who touched Me?’”

46 But Jesus said, “Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me.” 

47 Now when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling; and falling down before Him, she declared to Him in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately.

48 And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”

Here, in this passage, it talk about this woman with the issue of blood. She had this problem for 12 years.. That's a long time... and "spent all" her money on other words, she was trying to find healing through the natural but without much success.... Are you seeing this?  Just by one verse alone, we can see a lot of things going on....and there is more...

Now, for a woman to struggle through the crowd to touch the garment (not even the body of Jesus) for healing.... What do you think she knew about Jesus that made her go through such trouble?

Was it the law? It can't be... she had broken the Leviticus laws.. Under law, the unclean should not touch the clean.. Under law. the unclean should not be out in the public.. she was defying the law!

Was it holiness of Jesus? It can't be... If she could sense Jesus holiness, she would probably felt unholy to come near to Him...

For this woman to go out to the public and touched Jesus.  Whatever she heard about Jesus was causing her to defy the law, to be unconscious of herself nor her surrounding... Her focus was on Jesus garment and she bravely broke through the multitudes to touch His garment, not even His body..... Agreed? What does that speak of? Of course, Grace!.. Undeserved favor, Amen!

Let's continue... then Jesus felt someone touched Him and power left Him.. Wow! The power of God was so strong that even it can transmit through the garment...

And then the woman fell before Him and explain why she touched Jesus... What did Jesus said ? "Oh, you.. unclean creature... stay away from Me.." NO NO NO... He said "your FAITH has made you well!" Hallelujah!

The essence to this passage is this.... When we see His Grace, He see our faith! Amen! The woman was not focusing on her effort, herself nor her faith (she did seek doctors and spent all her money away without any healing)... she was trying all her best to touch Jesus garment... And yet Jesus said her FAITH healed her...

Be conscious on His Grace and unconscious faith will arise in us... Amen! And when we touch His Grace, power is released! The sick will be healed, the demon possessed will be delivered. Amen!

In fact, the key to a victorious living and have His abundant favor on our lives is to be Christ-occupied and not self-occupied. If we accept Jesus, God will accept us (regardless of our short coming). If we honor Jesus, God will honor us. If we reject Jesus, God will reject us. It is all about Jesus. What He has done on the cross 2000 years ago is an over payment for you and I. All we need to do now is not to do anything other than to "rest" on His finished work..Amen! That's another sharing all together another time...

Ok, hope you now charged up with faith after hearing this testimony and His Words... This is how it is going to be when we go for mission trips... We charged up the faith of the people and then we lay hands on them. Power will be released in the name of Jesus! Amen!

Grace & Peace be with you!



Dated: 26 Feb 2014

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