Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Week 20: The Power of Tongue

Good day, Mdm.

With the CNY round the corner, I suppose you must be busy preparing to ursher this New Year.

I remember years ago, I spent a good 3 days in the kitchen to prepare food for some invited guests. It was long and tedious preparation then, yet I had the strength to go through the process. I knew it was not by my might nor by my power, but by the power of the Spirit. As much as I was delighted by His blessings, I pray that that strength of our Lord be with you throughout this period.

Ok, in view of your busy schedule, I'll keep this sharing short.  Last week, we talked about praying in the Spirit, which is also known as praying in tongue.

I can't emphasize enough this is one of the greatest gift from God. For God will never give us something that is useless, Amen!

Imagine, after Jesus was resurrected, He met up with His disciples and was about to ascend to heaven. His disciple pleaded Him to stay. Jesus replied in John 16:7 "Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.

Note "Helper" here refer to Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is supposed to be our Helper. Just like if I say "Mdm, tomorrow I'll send you a part-time maid (helper)." You would expect the maid to help you in the area of domestic work, isn't it? As much as you trust in my recommendation of this maid, you will "rest" in the assurance that this maid will do the job and do a good one, isn't it?

God has given us a "Helper". As much as we trust God for His gift, we can "rest" in the assurance that this Helper will help us to navigate through life, Amen! I won't have sent you a part-time maid if not that I know you need one. Likewise, when God grant us a Helper, He know we need one, Amen!

The bible says that our body is a temple of the Spirit. And when the Spirit dwell in us, other spirits cannot "bunk" in. Holy Spirit does not share room with other spirits, Amen!

To sanctify our body or "temple" (so that the Spirit can dwell), we speak in tongue. The bible says when we speak in tongue, we edify(stir-up) oneself.

With that in mind, imagine when you are troubled by fear or anger or resentment or bitterness or anything negative, you are in that spirit and of that spirit. So, at that moment, the one occuppying your temple or your body could be the spirit of fear for example. So, how do you chase the spirit of fear out of the temple?? Speak in tongue! Amen! Since we're in the mood of CNY celebration, I would say it's like "spring" cleaning. Simple?

Every time when we allow the negative spirits to reside in our body, it will accumulate and "entangled" in some parts of our bodies. This will eventually grow into lump, disease, sickness..

Science has proven that the cause of health problem is related to stress. To go a level higher, it is fear. When we read Genesis, we can traced the root back to condemnation.

Only when we remove the root (which is condemnation), we remove the fruition of sickness, dieases, illnesses. Speaking in tongue is the key to untie the 'knots" that is creating the health problem in our bodies.

How long do we speak in tongue? Until we can sense the relieve. Just like when one is being strangled on the neck, the moment the hands are released, one would sense a relieve.

With this, let's us all ursher the Lunar New Year with greater health. You have the key and the answer lies in your tongue. This is a simple and yet powerful truth. And it's definitely a great gift from God. Therefore, how can we not have greater glory on this very year? Amen!

I wish everyone well and happiness, Gong Xi Fa Chai!

With that, I leave you with this verse to meditate:

Proverbs 18:21

"  Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit."


Dated: 28 Jan 2014

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