Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Week 39: The Living Word

Good day, Mdm!

Praise be to His wonderful name, Jesus! Whenever, we use the name of Jesus, demon flee! They cannot withstand this Name; they knew they cannot hang around people who have given their heart to Jesus. The moment we accept Jesus in our life, we accept the Holy Spirit into our body. The Bible says our body are the temples of the Spirit. In other words, when the Holy Spirit come and dwell in our body, other spirits have to move out. Amen! Our body "the temple" cannot contain two different opposing spirits. They cannot share share the same body, Amen! That also explain when a person accepted Christ as his Lord, he cannot be demon-possessed. Demon-possessed can only happen to the non-believer.

Two days ago, as I was having lunch. I bumped into two old friends at two different location. Both are younger than me I believe and yet they have something in common. Both of them look frail and weary. I am not sure if the work has bogged them down or if it is the aging effect but from the look, it seem like life of this world has worn them down. I was reminded of these verses in the Bible Proverb 4:20-22.

Proverbs 4:20-22

My son, give attention to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.
Do not let them depart from your eyes;
Keep them in the midst of your heart;
For they are life to those who find them,
And health to all their flesh.

There is something about God's Word which the world will never understand. These Words are living, not death. The Words can speak life, resurrection to our situation. And when you can find them and extract every nutrient out of them, there is this healing effect. With due respect, I have nothing against Harry Potter novels or Dan Brown thriller novels, as far as these novels are concerned, they can only bring entertainment and excitement, but, they cannot bring any healing to our body.

Last week, I shared with you about my long-time oppression which I was delivered not too long ago. In fact, since that deliverance, my trust in the name of Jesus has taken a step higher. There is power whenever we use this name, Jesus. Amen!

Yesterday, I had a headache as a result of not sleeping well. Normally, whenever I have this problem, my solution was to popped 2 paracetamol. Within minutes, the headache will be gone. But this time, I decided to deal with the root in Jesus' name. Nothing against medication for we are on the same side against the enemy. Just like my oppression case, I can go on and on to massage my neck whenever I am oppressed. But it does not deal with the root. Likewise, I decided to deal with the root of my headache this time.

I must confess I didn't do much though. I began to pray in tongues for awhile. Then,read some verses of Scriptures which I don't remember by now. Listen to a sermon while onboard the train. By the time, I reached home , the headache subsided though my head was still alittle heavy. To make the matter worse, I bought 3 boxes of durian from pasar malam. I know it was "heaty" and won't do any good to me nor my "heaty" body.

The reason I bought the durian was not to test God with the impossible (for we don't test God, we worship Him, Amen!) but to satisfy the craving of my mom-in-law. I ate one box in Jesus' name (just don't want mom-in-law to feel bad or guilty; she wasn't aware I had headache).
This morning, I woke up. The durian did not worsen my condition and my headache was gone. Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus!

There is testimony I heard recently about this christian who was diagnosed with with  tumor in the area of his jaw. All the while, he never read the Bible. He goes for Sunday service for religious reason. That day, after being told about the tumor, he came back, sat down and felt like reading the Bible for the first time. He started reading the Bible, not knowing the power of His Word, Subsequently, he went back for review and the doctor could not find the tumor anymore. The doctor cautious him not to be to happy about it because the tumor may re-surface. However, the guy knew deep in his heart he was healed by the Word of God. It has been 14 years since he shared his healing miracle with a pastor.

With this, I would like to encourage you to read and slowly chew on the Word of God. It doesn't matter if you understand it or not. God's Word has the effect of cleansing and healing. In fact, if you are sick, weak or suffering from any pain, stress, oppress, empty or any toxic emotion, don't run away from God but run to His Word. Immerse and soak yourself with His Word. If you can't even have the concentration to read, pluck in your earpiece and listen to some sermon, worship music or even audio bible. Whenever I cannot sleep at night, I will put on my earpiece and listen to the sermon. Trust me, if the Word can heal me, it can do the same for you. And if you are not sick, the Word will rejuvenate your body. Amen!  The Bible says "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will NEVER pass away."  Amen!

Grace & peace be with you!



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