Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Week 38: Facts vs Truth

Good day Mdm!

Glad to be back. Praise be to our Lord, Jesus! What a journey of faith! This trip to Amsterdam/Paris has been both revitalizing and fruitful. As much as it seem like any other ordinary  holiday trip, I could not help but to experience the grace of God throughout the trip. What can one expect when the trip involved two old folks, a baby and four luggage. One would probably think this is tough, knowing very well the passage way in those cities are not as friendly neither the rise of pick pockets will by any mean lighten the load of this trip.

As much as the facts are there to dampen our spirit, our trust, as Christian should be always to follow the truth. Our believe and action should always be based on the truth derived from the Word of God, not from the facts presented before our eyes.

In essence, our faith or simply right believing draw the line separating us from the facts and position us in the truth. The Bible says " We walk by faith, and not by sight." For faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God (to be exact Word of Christ). Therefore, our faith are established in the Word of God which in turn position us in the truth. Amen!

Why are we so uptight about this truth? Jesus said "..and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." Freedom is available for us only when we know the truth.

Take for example, for many years I had the problem of being "immobilized" at night while sleeping. It didn't happen every night but occasionally I will become stiff on the bed when being "attack". I could hardly moved although I was consciously awake. During the early years, I reckoned it was due to stress. So, in order to break away from this "attack", I have to force myself to move and wake up. I would normally massage my head and neck and return back to sleep. One day, by the grace of God, I decided not to do what I normally would do when under the "attack". Instead, I proclaimed the name of Jesus over the situation. To be frank, at that time, I don't know what I will end with. Unconsciously, I "rest" my case in Jesus' name.

The "attack"  eventually subsided and now I do not experience this problem anymore as long as I am aware I am in Christ. I am free from this oppression! Hallelujah! The facts was that I was under stressed and massaging seem to be the remedy. But, the truth is when I am in Christ, I am no longer under stress. As He is, so am I in this world. Jesus is not oppressed, so am I in this world. Amen! Jesus has already taken all of our problem away from us and He bored them at the cross. He said "It is FINISHED!"

Question: “I know that God is my healer. But why is this sickness and pain still in my body?” If you have been looking at your sickness and pain all this while, stop looking at yourself and start looking at Jesus. Did He or did He not take upon Himself your sickness and pain?

God’s Word declares, “Surely our sicknesses he hath borne, and our pains — he hath carried them…” (Isaiah 53:4, YLT)  Since Jesus has already taken your sickness and pain at the cross, then He cannot “untake” them. Even if you find it hard to believe that Jesus has paid for your healing, especially when the pain is unbearable, the truth is that it is still paid for. It is a finished work!

God is not saying that your sickness does not exist, nor is He asking you to pretend that it is not there. He is asking you to look away from the sickness, painful as it may be, and look to the truth that it has already been judged at the cross in the body of His Son.

Once, while still in the wilderness, the children of Israel were bitten by deadly desert serpents. The serpents were real. The bites were painful and deadly. So God told Moses to point the people to the bronze serpent put on a pole — a picture of the cross.  (John 3:14) Bronze signifies judgment. In other words, the serpent — their problem — was already judged at the cross.

Those who kept their eyes on the bronze serpent lived. Those who focused on their wounds died. So stop looking at your sickness. Instead, look to the cross and see your sickness already judged in the body of Jesus. Surely He has borne your sicknesses and carried your pains! That is the truth of God’s Word. And His Word supersedes natural facts.

Today, do you let natural facts rule or establish God’s truths over your problem ? What you choose to focus on will determine the result. So decide today not to focus on the facts concerning your problem. Instead, establish the truth of God’s Word and Christ’s finished work over your problem — and live!



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