Thursday, July 31, 2014

Week 43: Spiritual Warfare Part 2 : Self-Focus

Good day, Mdm!

Last week, we talk about spiritual warfare. We said that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, power and rulers of darkness. What it mean is that there is this dark or evil 'forces' out there where we cannot see in which we are against.

The common  tactics of the devil is to stir up our negative emotions. Come to think about it, take a look at Jason whom I mentioned last week. What do you think lead to his suicide? He was emotionally "disturbed", isn't it? How about the near accident I had at TPE when the car hitted the kerb, span and almost crush onto us? According to brother 2, that car was actually trying to chase after another car in front at high speed. The driver must have been provoked emotionally , isn't it?

Now that we know how the devil operate, we can use the gifts given by God to guard against the enemy. How? Speak in tongues. This gift has been so effective for me. Every time when I sense any toxic emotion in me, I will start speaking in tongues until the "burden" is lifted out. Of course, when your state of mind is clear, you can start confessing the Word of God about the situation. The Word of God is a sword and we use it to speak to our situation. Remember, whenever you feel weak and do not feel like praying to God, that is the time you should pray. Grace can only flow in our lives when we surrender our situation to our Lord. It's no longer about what we can do to the situation, it's about letting go and letting God. Amen!

Today,  we will discuss further about spiritual warfare. We will look deeper to the ploy of the devil. Once you "see" his tactics, it will help you from falling into his trap.

Let's take a look at the two disciples of Jesus, Peter & Judas. Here, we are looking at two contrasting person yet both committed sin at the time Jesus was captured. For Peter, he loves Jesus and he will always stand up for his Lord. Sounds good or right, isn't it?

In the last supper, here is what was written in the gospel of John:

John 13

36 Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord, where are You going?”
Jesus answered him, “Where I am going you cannot follow Me now, but you shall follow Me afterward.”

37 Peter said to Him, “Lord, why can I not follow You now? I will lay down my life for Your sake.”

38 Jesus answered him, “Will you lay down your life for My sake? Most assuredly, I say to you, the rooster shall not crow till you have denied Me three times.

Of course, we know the story. Peter not only denied Jesus, he even curse and swear he did not know Jesus. So much so for boasting his love for the Lord.

As for Judas, he was not keen about Jesus. His heart is not with Jesus even though he was physically closed to Jesus, following Him wherever He went. Finally, the day came where Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty silver coins. But when he saw how Jesus was being beaten up, he was remorseful and returned the silver (Mat 27:3-5)

The tactics of the devil is very simple. His job is to point you to yourself, self-focus. Do you see it from these two person, Peter & Judas? Peter was focusing his love for the Lord, only to find out in the time of tribulation, he could not even admit he was the disciple of Christ.

As for Judas, spirit of greed got hold of him. When he realized that he had betrayed innocent blood, he was remorseful. Emotion overtook him. What do you think went through his mind at that time? Condemnation, isn't it? Self focus. And he finally performed the ultimate act of self-righteousness by hanging himself. I wonder who is the winner here?

If Judas could have waited a while more, the resurrected Jesus could have forgiven him, just like Jesus forgave Peter. That is the problem of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It does us no good. Judas knew he betrayed innocent blood, yet that knowledge of knowing good ended his life.

The source of our empowerment in life come from the one & only our Lord Jesus. Knowing good & evil does not empower us to do right. The Satan knew it and that's why Eve was deceived to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil at the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3).

In a world of darkness where the devil will go around to torment and provoke our emotions and constantly pointing us to ourselves, bringing disappointment, anger, stressed, bitterness, pride, jealousy and all kinds of toxic emotions along with it, what we need is not just knowing good & bad.

What we need is a Savior, whom at the most wickedness of man kind, at the peak of human hatred and the point where the world don't even care, took up the cross and bore all our iniquities, so that today He takes delight when we see His Grace, His unearned, unmerited, undeserved favor for us. It's not about us but about Him.

When we live our lives in this manner, looking unto all that He has done for us, there is an empowerment that will emit from within. That empowerment will remove addiction, that empowerment will remove stressed, worries, toils of this life. Amen! Halleujah!

The devil is out to kill, steal and destroy...He will by all mean take your focus away from Jesus and lead you to focus on yourself, your pain, your heartache... But Jesus is here to give us life and more abundantly! Therefore, look unto Him always, the One whom will empower you to be more than conqueror in life, the One whose is the author and finisher of our faith. Amen!

Grace and peace be with you!


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