Friday, December 5, 2014

Week 60: From Law to Grace

We have been discussing Law & Grace for a number of weeks. I hope by now you have a good idea of what they are all about. Last week, we said that the essence of Law is demand, whereas the essence of Grace is supply.

When we are conscious of our state of mind, we can easily determine if we are under Law or under Grace. Simply, ask ourselves this question: Are we in a demand-mode or supply-mode? Are we demanding on ourselves or others to get things going? Or are we simply relying on the strength of our Lord to get things done?

To look one step further, usually toxic emotions are associated with demand-state, A commander, demanding a high standard of his soldiers, will most often than not, yell at his soldiers. Yelling speaks of toxic emotion; this could often lead to what we discuss last week about stress. Hence, in a demand-mode, we are subjecting ourselves to negative state of mind and its effect.

When we study the Bible carefully, Jesus did not subject Himself to such negative emotions. Throughout the Scriptures, we don't see Him yelling at His disciples. He did correct His disciples but not through yelling nor screaming. He is the Supplier and He is the Source. It speaks a lot of His character especially when we realize His disciples weren't a perfect bunch  (Peter-lowly educated, behaved like a gangster;Matthew-tax collectors(not liken by many); Thomas-nick name doubting Thomas; Judas-not a true follower, a betrayal). It takes a person with a lot of character to mingle with these people for three and a half years, isn't it? And yet, Jesus took them as disciples and never mentioned in the bible Jesus yelled or shouted at them at any one time.

Jesus often used this phrase among His disciples "O you of little faith." He often rebuked His disciples of little faith. What it mean is He rebuked them of little belief. The bible says without faith, it is impossible to please God. The disciples had Heaven's best and yet they believe little.

Faith is never too bold to please the Lord, What cause Jesus to grief ? When we have the hesitancy to come to Him. When we doubt whether He will accept us or when we take matters into our own hands. This unbeliever, hesitancy is what grief the Lord.

He loves it when we come boldly to the throne of grace, even when we sin. The Bible says come boldly to the throne of grace to  obtain mercy and find  grace to help in times of need. When we come to the throne of grace, we are literally taking from the Supplier. Grace essentially is supply, not demand!

 Come to Jesus as you are and He will give you Grace and mercy for your need. Grace give you all the good things you don't deserve ; mercy protects you from all the bad things you do deserve. Throughout the ministry of Jesus on earth, as many as those who came to Him were healed, delivered and blessed! When Grace supply, we received. We can't supply when we don't have a supplier. If we depend on our own to supply, it is a matter of time we ran out of it. We can't be gracious when we don't tap on Grace. While a car feed on patrol, we feed on Grace. Amen!

There are people who knew Grace and they try to separate Grace from the Person. They put Grace as a subject together with the rest of the Bible teaching in school. Grace is not a subject , Grace is the subject. We cannot separate Grace from Jesus because Grace is Jesus. We cannot throw Grace as a subject among the rest of bible teaching, anymore than throwing a Queen among the concubines. We honor Grace as much as we honor a Queen of that kingdom.

The gospel also known as good news, has to be good to qualify it. If today, I tell you I got a good news for you, you will be expecting to hear something good from me, isn't it? The gospel is called the gospel of grace

What is the gospel then? What is the good news? Well, the good news is today we don't have to perform to please God. God sent His Son and God said " This is my beloved Son and in Him I am well pleased," God now place us in His Son; the righteousness of God is covering us; we are wearing the robe of righteousness, When God look at us, we look like His Son. As He is, so are we in this world, Amen! Hallelujah!

Question: If Grace is the answer? Why did God, who know that the Law is a curse , gave the Law to Moses then? If God so love the world, why would He want to introduce Mr Law to this world? How can God bring the curse to mankind when He so love us? So contradicting, isn't it?

Let's be very clear about this. It is NEVER God's intention to bring curse to mankind. In fact, it is not even God's intention for man to die nor aged! How are we sure about this? In Genesis 1, God created man and woman in His own image and He blessed them. After creating mankind, God not only blessed them, He told them to take dominion over the earth!

The only condition given to Adam then was not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (a picture of Law) less he die. And he did. With that, he brought forth the fall or curse. When we see tsunami in a certain country, we often notice the newspaper will state it as an act of God. That's totally not true! The world has fallen and is still falling each and every day, whether we like it or not. And it all begin with Adam.

Let's go to Galatians 3, I believe this chapter will open up our understanding about the Law and why it was introduced:

Galatians 3 New Life Version (NLV)

You foolish Galatians! What strange powers are trying to lead you from the way of faith in Christ? We made it plain for you to see that Jesus Christ was put on a cross to die. There is one thing I want to know. Did you receive the Holy Spirit by keeping the Law? Or did you receive Him by hearing about Christ?How foolish can you be? You started the Christian life by the Holy Spirit. Do you think you are going to become better Christians by your old way of worship? You suffered so much because of the Good News you received. Was this all of no use? He gave you the Holy Spirit and did powerful works among you. Does He do it because you do what the Law says or because you hear and believe the truth?

It was the same with Abraham. He put his trust in God. This made Abraham right with God. Be sure to remember that all men who put their trust in God are the sons of Abraham. The Holy Writings said long ago that God would save the people who are not Jews from the punishment of sin also. Before this time the Holy Writings gave the Good News to Abraham in these words, “All nations will be happy because of you.” So then, all those who have faith will be happy, along with Abraham who had faith.

10 All those who expect the Law to save them from the punishment of sin will be punished. Because it is written, “Everyone who does not keep on doing all the things written in the Book of the Law will be punished.” 11 No one is made right with God by doing what the Law says. For, “The man right with God will live by faith.” 12 The Law does not use faith. It says, “You must obey all the Law or you will die.” 13 Christ bought us with His blood and made us free from the Law. In that way, the Law could not punish us. Christ did this by carrying the load and by being punished instead of us. It is written, “Anyone who hangs on a cross is hated and punished.” 14 Because of the price Christ Jesus paid, the good things that came to Abraham might come to the people who are not Jews. And by putting our trust in Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit He has promised.

15 Christian brothers, let me show you what this means. If two men agree to something and sign their names on a paper promising to stay true to what they agree, it cannot be changed. 16 Now the promise was made to Abraham and to his son. He does not say, “And to sons,” speaking of many. But instead, “And to your Son,” which means Christ. 17 This is what I am saying: The Law which came 430 years later could not change the promise. The promise had already been made by God. The Law could not put that promise aside. 18 If it had been possible to be saved from the punishment of sin by obeying the Law, the promise God gave Abraham would be worth nothing. But since it is not possible to be saved by obeying the Law, the promise God gave Abraham is worth everything.

19 Then why do we have the Law? It was given because of sin. It was to be used until Christ came. The promise had been made looking toward Christ. The Law was given by angels through Moses who stood between God and man.20 But when the promise was given to Abraham, God gave it without anyone standing between them. 21 Is the Law against the promise of God? No! Never! If it had been possible to be saved from the punishment of sin by obeying the Law, then being right with God would have come by obeying the Law. 22 But the Holy Writings say that all men are guilty of sin. Then that which was promised might be given to those who put their trust in Christ. It will be because their faith is in Him.

23 Before it was possible to be saved from the punishment of sin by putting our trust in Christ, we were held under the Law. It was as if we were being kept in prison. We were kept this way until Christ came. 24 The Law was used to lead us to Christ. It was our teacher, and so we were made right with God by putting our trust in Christ. 25 Now that our faith is in Christ, we do not need the Law to lead us. 26 You are now children of God because you have put your trust in Christ Jesus. 27 All of you who have been baptized to show you belong to Christ have become like Christ. 28 God does not see you as a Jew or as a Greek. He does not see you as a servant or as a person free to work. He does not see you as a man or as a woman. You are all one in Christ. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you have become the true children of Abraham. What God promised to him is now yours.

This chapter is clear enough. Please do spend some time to meditate on this. The Bible describe us, the Church, as the bride and Jesus is our bride groom. The veil is the Law. As long as the veil is not lifted, the bride groom cannot kiss the bride. As long as the veil is not lifted, we cannot be intimate with Jesus.

Keep in constant relationship with your lover, my lover Jesus. Practice His presence everyday. Do not spend time reading the bible for the sake of reading. No, no..By doing that, we are putting the veil between us and Him. We are back to the Law. Spend time reading the bible to get to know Him more, to see Him more, to enjoy Him more.... And that is what it means to be in Christ, when two married couple come together and become one. Amen!

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