Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Week 62: The Tree of Life

In this same month 2000 years ago, God decided.... "Enough, is enough.." Despite the first compilation , Old Testament being a hit.. Despite it recording His great miracles through the hands of His appointed ones.. Moses parted the Red Sea and delivered His people from the hands of Egyptians. David killed the gaint Goliath with a sling and a stone. Samson killed a thousand of Palestine with a jaw of a donkey. Joshua tore down the walls of Jericho by matching around the walls in 7 days. All these were great men of God, but God was not satisfied  As much as these men of God had victories of their time, they were still under the dominion and curse of the sin which Adam brought forth.

And so God began a new compilation, called "New Testament". He went on to say in His New book He found fault with the Old covenant. To stress His point, He penned-off at the last page of the Old Testament  with the word "curse". In fact, the very first book of Old Testament, Genesis, the book which speak about Creation, has already given us a hint about His displeasure.

 If you flip to the last page of the book of Genesis , in the last sentence, you will find the word "coffin". Hmmm. What began with the creation of God, end up in the coffin because of sin. I am sure coffin is never part of God's idea and death is never in His plan. Amen!

The New compilation, New Testament began with the birth of our Lord, Jesus. The chosen One came in the form of birth. There has been a change. In the beginning of creation, God created Adam. In the beginning of redemption, God birth forth His only Son. In the Old Testament, the very first question recorded in the Bible was initiated by God.  "Where are you?" God asked this question when Adam hid himself after he sinned. The very first question recorded in the New Testament is "Where is He?" This question was asked by three wise men who came from the east to worship the birth of our Lord, Jesus. Beautiful, isn't it? 

Whereas, the first question of the Old Testament signifies the separation of man from God,  the first question of the New Testament signifies the reconciliation man back to God. Jesus came and reverse the order of the curse! Amen! Hallelujah!

Question: Why? Can't God just send Jesus into this world in a human grown-up form? He could have save a lot of time without going through the infant stage, isn't it? Of course, He can. But, Jesus took on the birth of a baby. Why? 

The answer is found at the beginning when God said this to Satan in Gen 3:14

So the Lord God said to the serpent:

14 “Because you have done this,
You are cursed more than all cattle,
And more than every beast of the field;
On your belly you shall go,
And you shall eat dust
All the days of your life.
15 And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.”

Notice verse 15, God said He will put enmity (opposition) between Satan and the woman and the woman will spring forth the Seed whom will bruise Satan's head. Therefore, right at the beginning, God has already stated clearly  that the woman would birth forth the Seed to destroy Satan  And the thing is when God said so, it shall be done. His Word will never return to Him void. Amen! We should worry if Jesus came to this earth in any other form than through birth. Because it will not  be consistent according to God's word. Amen!

When God created Adam, He gave Adam authority to have dominion over everything on earth. (Genesis 1:26) But when Adam sinned, he gave this authority to Satan. And when man’s authority was transferred to Satan, Satan brought in diseases, poverty, strife, bitterness, pain, loss and death. Basically, Adam messed it up everything on earth for man.

Since God is a judicial God, He did not take back that authority from Satan. Whatever Adam gave away to Satan, it had to be a man who would legally take it back. And God has done this through His beloved Son,  Jesus! Amen!

As we celebrate His birthday this season, let's remember this new compilation, New Testament is God's very personal expression of His love towards us; it speaks of God's very own heart and intention to redeem mankind from sin. The manifestation of His love is found right at the beginning  of the New Testament when His beloved Son, Jesus was born. Amen!

The Bible says "Curse is everyone who hangs on a tree" and Christ has redeemed us from that curse by hanging (crucified) Himself on the tree for us." The Christmas tree we see today is a reminder of what Christ has done for us at the cross. His very birth was to reverse and take over the curse on our behalf. His very purpose of birth was to conquer death by dying on that tree. Amen!

Therefore, with such huge Christmas gift (heaven's best) God has given us, how can we not experience success in life! His victory over death proclaimed our liberty from the dominion and bondage of sin. God found much joy and delight to pen-off  His new compilation, New Testament with this sentence " grace of Jesus Christ  be with you all, Amen" This is exactly who He is, a gracious God, a God who so love us and He can't be satisfied until He can pour out His unmerited favor and blessings upon us. Amen!

Therefore, there is every good reason to immerse in His love, peace and joy this season! Hallelujah! And the only thing we need to do to enjoy all these is to simply... believe and receive. Amen!

This is the last sharing for this year. The prince of shalom, our Lord Jesus will keep you and protect you. You are blessed in the coming in and going out. This year began with a year of great glory and it shall end with even greater glory. In the year to come, the Lord will renew your strength, you shall mount up with wings like eagle. You shall run and not be weary, you shall walk and not faint. Amen! Hallelujah!

Wishing all a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

The Tree

The evergreen tree symbolizes the faithfulness of God,
remaining forever the same,
even during the darkness and cold of winter.

The lights or candles on the tree symbolize our Savior Jesus Christ,
whose life was the Light of all people,
the Light that shines in the darkness
and which enlightens everyone.

Some people put red bows on the tree,
symbolizing the shed blood of our Savior,
by which our sins are forgiven.

Ornaments symbolize fruit,
which in turn symbolizes the gracious gifts and provision
of God for his people.

Just as the Cross of Christ
was a tree stripped of its greenery and dignity
and made into a dead post,
so our sin has stripped us of beauty and dignity
and resulted in death.

Through the death of the Son of God on the dead tree,
and by his resurrection and life,
salvation and true life have come to the whole creation,
especially to us,
whose dignity and value and beauty has been restored
through faith in him.

The splendor of the Christmas tree,
decorated with light and color and beauty,
symbolizes our restored and reconciled state by the grace of God.

Our Father in heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ love us,
and have made us beautiful
by the good things they have done for us.

The gifts under the tree
symbolize the dignity and value God has given to human beings
through Jesus’ saving work.

We give gifts to one another on this day for one reason only:
God sent his Son into the world to save us
and make us his children,
and has placed his love into us
that we might love one another, even as he loves us.

That’s what Christmas is about — the love of God.
And that’s the story the Christmas tree tells us during this Christmas season.

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