Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Week 59: Law Demand, Grace Supply

Hallelujah! Amen! The difference between a believer and a non-believer is a believer believes. We believe in God as our heavenly Father, the Creator of heaven and earth, who loves the world so much that He sent His only Son to redeem us, so that whoever believe shall not perish but have everlasting life! Amen!

2000 years ago, He came in person... That in itself speaks of intimacy... He did not redeem us from heaven  Could He do that? Of course, why not? He is God almighty! But He chose to come, He chose to take on a human form, He chose to take on the toils of life, to go through the pain and suffering. Only when sins were punished on His body, that today we can truly be at rest. For the justice of God on the punishment of sins is fully met at the cross in the body of our sacrificial Lamb, His Son! Amen! 

His name is Jesus and He is altogether lovely. Once we know we are saved in Christ and Christ alone, there is a devotion towards the Lord. We love to give back to the One who gave everything for us. We are willing to die for the One who died for us. And once we see Him, there's no way we want to live a lifestyle that does not glorify His Holy Name. Amen!

For the past weeks, we have been discussing on the topic of Law and Grace. We looked into the Scriptures, particularly written by Paul to the churches. We could see that Apostle Paul (commissioned by God to preach the gospel of grace) was very clear about the New covenant and he came strongly against the members of the churches at that time from returning to the Law of Moses or legalism.

So how does that apply to us today? How do we know we are under Law or under Grace?

Very simple. Law demand and Grace supply. When we look at the Ten Commandments. Notice the Law demand the performance of man. " You shall not murder, you shall not covet.. you shall not... You shall not..." The focus is on man's part. There is a demand required of  man. But, we know man can't keep the law. In other words, man can't keep up to the demand of legalism. If we could, there is no need of law enforcement. The police man would be out of job! And Jesus need not come to this world!

Hebrew 8:7-8 says it very clearly God find fault with the old covenant. Why? Because when we are under Law, none of us make it. In fact, Gal 3:10 says it this way "For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse..." As long as we are under Law or simply under a demanding environment, we are under the curse! 

Interestingly, as I was reading this book related to stress, I came across this point which says that often stressful feelings are the result of demands placed upon us by everyday life. Isn't it true? Simply think of it this way, if we put ourselves in a demand-orientated environment, we are putting ourselves under stress and that is a curse according to the bible! And as a result, this could lead to chronic diseases. 

Here's an extract taken from American Psychological Association:

How stress harms your health
In addition, an extreme amount of stress can take a severe emotional toll. While people can overcome minor episodes of stress by tapping into their body's natural defenses to adapt to changing situations, excessive chronic stress, which is constant and persists over an extended period of time, can be psychologically and physically debilitating.

Unlike everyday stressors, which can be managed with healthy stress management behaviors, untreated chronic stress can result in serious health conditions including anxiety, insomnia, muscle pain, high blood pressure and a weakened immune system.3  Research shows that stress can contribute to the development of major illnesses, such as heart disease, depression and obesity.4  Some studies have even suggested that unhealthy chronic stess management, such as overating "comfort" foods, has contributed to the growing obesity epidemic.5  Yet, despite its connection to illness, APA's Stress in America survey revealed that 33 percent of Americans never discuss ways to manage stress with their healthcare provider. 

Chronic stress can occur in response to every day stressors that are ignored or poorly managed, as well as to exposure to traumatic events. The consequences of chronic stress are serious, particularly as it contributes to anxiety and depression. People who suffer from depression and anxiety are at twice the risk for heart disease than people without these conditions.6  Additionally, research has shown that there is an association between both acute and chronic stress and a person's abuse of addictive substances.7  

How can we live with our love ones and continue to supply to the demands which is constantly place on one another? How can we cope with life when we are surrounded by pressures from our superiors, peers, people around us or the demands of the society or environment? What is the secret to long lasting relationship?

Our supply to supply to others can never come from ourselves. Our supply has to come from a source which is inexhaustible and that source is from above. 

In John 6:35, Jesus said “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst..." What do we do with bread? We eat. Notice who is supplying? That's why we ought to feel hungry and not guilty when we don't attend Sunday service after awhile.

At the last supper, Jesus broke the bread, passed it to his disciples and said" This is my body broken for you, eat in remembrance of Me." Jesus want us to feed on Him, not feed Him. We cannot supply to the One who supply us all things, we can only receive from Him. Amen!

Thank God we are no longer under the curse  of the Law today. In the New covenant (Hebrew 8:10-12), God said " I will be merciful to their unrighteousness,  their lawless deeds and their sins I will remember no more..." Amen! Notice in the old covenant, the demand is place on man,,,"You shall not.. you shall not..." In the New covenant, God supply to us,,,"I will.. I will.." There is a change! Hallelujah! Amen!

When the woman with the issue of blood touched the helm of Jesus robe, she received healing. Grace supply. When the lame came to Jesus through rooftop with the help of his friends, he received healing and walk. Grace supply. Lazarus died for four days, Jesus came and he was resurrected! Grace supply. Feeding of 5000 with five loaves and two fishes. Grace supply.

I am not sure if you are convinced, but I am. I want to be under His Grace, under the favored ground, under the blessing of our God most high. Amen!

And our part in this New covenant is simply.... believe. Amen!

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