Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week 67: Vanity of Vanities

Hallelujah! If you ever need to give thanks to God, what would it be?

Through my years of being a Christian, my greatest joy is knowing Jesus and I thank God for Him. When I see Jesus on the cross, I see the love of God overcoming everything for me. It causes me to say, “Thank you, Jesus! I love you and I worship you, Jesus! Hallelujah!”

God draw us to Him with His love. When we are touched by His love, we fall in love with Him. And when we fall in love with Him, we fall out of love for the world. Effectively, sin does not have dominion over us. When we are full of the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit, sin cannot grab hold of us; it slips. Amen!

We are no longer under the curse of this world, for when we are in Christ, we are under the unmerited favor and blessings of God!

As we worship and celebrate the love of Jesus in our lives, we will find ourselves changed, and we will see the power of God working for us and through us. We can truly enjoy living in this world with God’s strength in our lives, God’s favor in our work and relationships, God’s protection for us and our family, God’s increase in our finances, and God’s health and healing for our bodies. Amen! Hallelujah! 

Just by saying all these, we are full!  There's a inner satisfaction, comfort and assurance which we can never be satisfied by this world. Why? Because we are created by God, and only His Spirit can satisfy us. Amen!

King Solomon, a man of great wisdom, a man of great authority and power, a man who had great possessions, be it gold, silver, land, flocks and even women. All in all, he had all the freedom to do anything and everything in his life time. Ever fantasized to be in such position like him? Well, this is what he has to say in Ecclesiastes 1 

“Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher;
“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”
What profit has a man from all his labor
In which he toils under the sun?

Despite having all the power, wealth and possession of this earth, this king said "Emptiness of emptiness." He questioned what life is all about? Nothing in this world seem to satisfy him. If this world, in its present state, were all, it would not be worth living for; and the wealth and pleasure of this world, if we had ever so much, are not enough to make us happy. What profit has a man of all his labor? All he gets by it will not supply the wants of the soul, nor satisfy its desires.

I remember years ago, I used to organize family gathering for New Year count-down.  We gathered as a family to catch up, enjoying each other company. We had food and alcohol. I remember in those days, I consumed a lot of alcohol. I was sure we had fun or at least I had fun. But, the very next day when I woke up, there was this empty feeling in me, a vacuum in the innermost which I failed to understand why it was happening each time after the gathering.

Please don't get me wrong that I am against family gathering. I am all for family bonding. In fact, my family is of my utmost priority after God. Like what King Solomon was trying to expressed, during that time I felt empty despite after having a good gathering with my family.

The key to unlock this misery of being empty in our souls does not come from possessing more wealth or climbing higher in the corporate ladder. The truth is the search for filling up this emptiness can never be found in this earth. If King Solomon with all his wisdom and wealth and every possessions, can expressed such emptiness in his life, how much more should I be looking to this world to satisfy my soul?

Although nothing wrong with all these, God does not want to prosper us from outside in, He wants to prosper us from inside out. In 3 John 1:2, the Bible says  "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." Amen!

Take heed, at least King Solomon did give us the clue to the answer to his problem.

Ecclesiastes 5

18 Here is what I have seen: It is good and fitting for one to eat and drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labor in which he toils under the sun all the days of his life which God gives him; for it is his heritage. 19 As for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, and given him power to eat of it, to receive his heritage and rejoice in his labor—this is the gift of God. 20 For he will not dwell unduly on the days of his life, because God keeps him busy with the joy of his heart.

Notice those words in BLUE. God is the supplier. He holds that key that can unlock that emptiness in our souls. He is the one who keeps our hearts in joy! It has to do with God-focus, not self-focus.  Amen!

In John 10:10, Jesus said this:

John 10:10
10... I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

When we are not enjoying abundant life, we will feel as if life is full of toil, it seem meaningless and our hearts felt empty. Like what is mentioned in Ecclesiastes 2:11, indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind.

It seems as if nothing we do adds up to much. Ecclesiastes 2:11 go on to say that "there was no profit under the sun." Someone who lives life under the sun may or may not know God. For them, God is either forgotten or not the center of things in his life. His thoughts are earthly and he does things to gratify his flesh. In the end, he finds life depressing and unfulfilled. Life under the sun is full of despair.

But this is not so with someone who lives life above the sun with God. For life with him is filled with joy and pleasures. Life is abundantly full and good just as Jesus promised — “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”.

When we live  our lives above the sun, our thoughts are towards heaven and we become Christ-occupied. We live for Him because we know that in Colossians 1:16 all things were created through Him and for Him. When we live for His glory, our lives takes on new meaning and purpose. Amen!

In Colossians 1:17, the Word says, “And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.” The Greek word for “consist” means “held together”. In Christ, all things are held together. And that is why when Christ is the center in our lives, we will have it all together. Amen! Our mind will be held together. Our hopes and dreams will be held together. Our families will be held together. Every aspects of our lives are held together in Jesus's name. Amen! Hallelujah!

Never will our lives be empty anymore! Instead, it will be full of God’s goodness because “Christ in you, [is] the hope of glory”. (Colossians 1:27) It is a wonderful life — this life lived above the sun. Amen!

With Lunar New Year round the corner, let us not look to the lunar nor the sun to enjoy this occasion. For life under the moon or sun is incomplete and unfulfilling. Let us instead look above the sun and be filled with the Spirit of Lord. Amen! Only then, we can look forward to a fulfilling, prosperous, joyous celebration where our hearts are in abundance of His goodness, favor, blessing and peace. Amen! Hallelujah!

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