Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week 68: Spirit, Soul & Body (Reloaded)

In Week 22 , we have discussed on this topic about Spirit, Soul & Body. This week, let's revisit this topic and explore further into this discussion.

The understanding of these three elements play an important part to our well-being and success in life. It is therefore of our greatest interest to examine closely what the Bible has to say about this. Apostle Paul, one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age, wrote this in his epistles to the Corinthians whom were living immorality:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week 67: Vanity of Vanities

Hallelujah! If you ever need to give thanks to God, what would it be?

Through my years of being a Christian, my greatest joy is knowing Jesus and I thank God for Him. When I see Jesus on the cross, I see the love of God overcoming everything for me. It causes me to say, “Thank you, Jesus! I love you and I worship you, Jesus! Hallelujah!”

God draw us to Him with His love. When we are touched by His love, we fall in love with Him. And when we fall in love with Him, we fall out of love for the world. Effectively, sin does not have dominion over us. When we are full of the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit, sin cannot grab hold of us; it slips. Amen!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Psalm 23: The Lord is My Shepherd

Hallelujah! Thank God that we have been spending the last few weeks discussing on the subject of Holy Spirit. We talk about the Holy Spirit as the Helper, walking in the Spirit and then praying the Spirit. I believe we have cover a fair good amount of understanding this Helper and how we can tap into His Spirit. and walk the will of God in our lives This is important because God is a Spirit and in order to communicate with God, we need to be in His Spirit. Amen!

Smith Wigglesworth, who has on record raised fourteen people from the death, wrote this in his article "Gift of Tongues":

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Week 66: Praying in the Spirit

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Thank you, my Lord, my Savior. The bible says in John 13 Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God,Lord, girded Himself and began to wash His disciples' feet. I am humbled; I am thankful. And whenever I am reminded of that scene, my heart soften. Any frustration or anger dwelling in me has to melt away. And that is the power of His love. Amen! Thank you, Jesus.

Last week, we discussed about walking by His Spirit. We have a good understanding of what it means to walk in His Spirit. The contrast between "spirit" and "flesh" is clear. As a believer, we want to be led by the Spirit and walk in the Spirit. Only then we are walking in the will of God. Amen!