Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Week 8: A little Hebrew on "Heal"

Good day Mdm!

Since these few weeks, we will be focusing on "Healing".. I'll try to share a little here and there on this subject.

Note that when Jesus came to this world, majority of his ministry involved in healing. Wherever he went, there were healing taking place. Notice also if you read the gospel, you will never come across at any point that any death mentioned in the presence of Jesus, even dead people like Lazarus was raised from his death when Jesus came to his presence!

So, it is in the heart of our Lord Jesus to bring healing during his time here on earth. Therefore, it should also be in our heart to bring healing to others and we, ourselves as Christians should be free from sickness and diease at all time, if not most of the time. Why do I say that??   Interestingly, the word"heal" revealed a very interesting meaning in hebrew... Let's take a look..

The word "heal" is known as "rapha" in hebrew.  (Pronounce as Rah-Fah)

Original Word: רָפָא

It is written in 3 hebrew characters. In hebrew, the characters are read from right to left. And every character has a pictoral meaning.

The first characterרָ

represent a "head" which has the meaning of "think"

The second character פָ

represent "mouth" which has the meaning of "speak"

The third character א

represent "ox" which has the meaning of "strong" or "sacrifice"

So, if you assemble these three character together , you get " think, speak, sacrifice"

In the olden days, ox were used as sacrifice for sin offering. Today, our Lord has replaced this ritual by going to the cross. He is our sacrificial Lamb!

So, in essence... the word "heal" has to do with "thinking  and speaking of our Lord sacrifice!" Amen!

If you remember, I told you before about my sleeping disorder (the cause of it due to stress or in spiritual term "oppression")... After 40 over years, when I started to proclaim the name of Jesus, I was healed of this "sickness".

I can't stress enough how important it is that we keep thinking and speaking about this new covenant of Jesus. The covenant of Grace, it is unearned, unmerited favor of God! Praise the Lord!

The bible say " By one man sin (referring to Adam) we become sinners and by one man sacrifice (Jesus), we are made righteous!" If we can come before our God as sinners, how much more we should come before Him as being righteous! Only then, we can say that the work of Jesus on the cross is greater than the sin Adam commited in the garden of Eden. Jesus has paid the price, we are now righteous in the eye of God! We can now claim our healing in Jesus's name because Jesus has paid for it! Amen!

I hope you are blessed by this sharing...



Dated: 22 Oct 2013

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