Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 12: Healing & Health

Good morning Mdm,

Just to wrap things up for the past weeks on discussion...

Last week, we talk about activating "angels" and the biblical references. The key to this is not to worship them but to know that they are around us, as long as our focus is in Jesus.

Throughout these weeks, we're still in the topic of "Healing".. Be it physical or mental healing, we believe that Jesus Christ, our Lord had come to set us free from sickness, illness, mental torture.. If u read the gospel and His ministry on earth, a huge part of it was attributed to healing.

We've also look into the hebrew word for "healing". Amazingly, it reveal that 'healing' has to do with 'speaking and thinking of the cross'. i.e. 'to focus on the finish work of Christ on the cross.'

So far, the discussion revolves around personal, individual healing...  There's a little more to talk about in this area before go on to talk about extending your hand to heal others.

In personal healing, we talking about the importance of holy communion, taking in a worthy manner in remembrance of what Christ has done at the cross. The other two area of importance are meditating on the Word and speaking in tongues.

In view of all of us going for holiday sometime this week, I'll touch on the topic on meditating on His Word.

Let's look at Proverbs 4:20-23

20 My son, give attention to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.

21 Do not let them depart from your eyes;
Keep them in the midst of your heart;

22 For they are life to those who find them,
And health to all their flesh.

23 Keep your heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life.

Note verse 22 says: " the Word become life to those who find them...." Find them.. that mean you need to find or search them. All the Words in the bible are from God but not all benefit us...
What do I mean by that?

eg... Let say now I wrote you this email. Apart from you, as you can see , it is CC to Siu Ching & Akiko. All of them benefited from my sharing besides you. However, if for example, I were to say :" Sis, you should stop driving recklessly on the road..." This statement would not apply to Siu Ching or Akiko since they do not drive on the road...

Likewise, we need to filter out those Word that apply to us.  The key to this is to focus on God's promises and the New convenant promises. How do we know if we are focusing the right Words? The verse say " they are LIFE to those who find them!" Ask yourself if you feel "alive" or edified after reading that particular verse??

Note the verse continue with "And health to all their flesh"

The word "health" in Hebrew is "marphe" (Pronoun : mah-pey) מרפא

Remember the word "heal" in Hebrew "Rapha"  רפא

Note the similarity between "health" & "heal" in Hebrew... health has to do with healing and both come from the root word in Hebrew "Raphah" (Pronoun:  Rah- Far -Hey)

This Hebrew word "Raphah" mean "relax".

Ahhh... Health has to do with healing (speaking thinking of the cross) and has to do with "relax".

That make perfect sense in natural, isn't it? Why do we go holiday?? Relax, of course... And usually we feel refresh after coming back from holiday.

In the same manner, reading and meditating on the bible verse has the effect of healing/relaxing your body. Yes! your body. The verse says:" health to ALL their FLESH!" Flesh mean your physical body, not just spiritual being.

The bible in essence is a medication. Reading the bible can keep one in good health not just spiritually, but also physically. Research shows that out of those healthy people around, 20-30% of them actually goes to church.

Have a look at this:

As such, I would encourage you to meditate on God's word (Remember those sermons on meditate on God's word) Pick one or two verses and start "chewing" on them.... Slowly bit by bit... Don't have to rush through the entire bible. For the "healing" effect comes when the "nutrition" of the Word is fully absorb by the body. Amen!

I hope you and your family will have a wonderful holiday in Japan... Without a doubt, as much as I embrace "rest' & "relax" and will definitely enjoy ourselves in Chiang Mai.

Lastly, I shall leave you with this verse to meditate

2Cor 13:14

" The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen."

God bless, have a fruitful & blessed trip!


Dated: 18 Nov 2013

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