Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 11: Angels all around

Good day Mdm...

Just to recap on last week, we talk about Holy Communion and emphasized the need to partake these elements worthily...knowing deep in our heart that Jesus, his body is broken for us and His blood is shed for our sins. I'm glad to hear that 2nd sis-in-law is making effort to do this daily.

Note that in our Lord's prayer... the Holy communion is mentioned as well..." ...give us our daily bread (Jesus) and forgive us of our sin (blood), as we forgive those who sin against us..." I would encourage you to do this as often as you can but DO NOT MAKE it out of a ritual... then, it become a law and not grace.

This week, I felt prompted to put aside on the topic of "healing" for a moment. I felt led to address the current issue revolving in our family recently. The past few days has set me thinking, with a burden in my heart. The threat and disturbance by Sis-in-law 's son has put much unrest in some of us. I must agree with you the threat is real and can be unpredictable. The outcome to some extent can be very serious.

As much as this unrest has taken foot hold of our anxieties and worries, I was crying out to God on what should we do. God led me to this passage in Psalm 91. Please spend some time to read and meditate on this passage.

I'll talk a little more after you've read and re-read and meditate on this passage.



Dated: 12 Nov 2013

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