Thursday, May 15, 2014

Week 35: Abraham & Sarah

Good day!

Last week, we spoke about "resting" on Jesus and His finished work. We also talk about the importance of names in the Bible. In fact, when we examine the name "Noah", it reveal the word "rest" in Hebrew. Today, we will look at the name Abraham & Sarah. But, before we do that, let's have some understanding of ABC.

When we say ABC, we are referring to the English alphabet. In Hebrew, the alphabet is known as "alefbet". To be exact, the English alphabets are derived from Greek which in turn derive from Hebrew.

The word "alphabet" comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, namely Alpha (A) and Beta (B). Likewise, the Hebrew "alefbet" comes from the first two letters of Hebrew alphabet. "Alef" אַ which is the first letter and "Bet" בְ   the second letter.

There are 22 letters in Hebrew alefbet. Each letter is represented with a picture and meaning. For example, "Alef" is a picture of a ox head and it means strong or leader. It can also be refer to as God. Now you know why Moses was so angry with his people when he came down from Mt Sinai after receiving the "Ten Commandments" from God? What he saw was his people made a golden calf and worship the calf as their God. In their mind, their god look like an ox. Moses was angry because they had broken the commandments "You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself idols.... (Exodus 20)"

The second letter is "Bet"בְ  . This is a picture of a tent. It means family or house. So, when both letters "Alef" & "Bet" אַבְ are placed together, we have "strong house" or "leader family". This is also known as "father - leader of the house" in Hebrew.

Now, let's bring our attention to the 5th letter of Hebrew alefbet "Hey" ה. It is a picture of a man with arms raised. It has the meaning of look, reveal or breath. This letter is also the meaning of "grace".

With this in mind, let's examine the name of Abraham & Sarah. The first time Araham's name was mentioned in the Bible is in Genesis 11. Back then, his name was Abram, not Abraham. Likewise, Sarah's name was first mentioned in Genesis 11. Her name was Sarai then.

"Abram" in Hebrew אַבְרָם means "father of height"

"Sarai" in Hebrew שָׂרַי  means "dominative, a head person, captain, chief"

Sarai's dominating behavior became apparent when she instructed Abram to sleep with her maid Hagar so that Abram can be the father of many nations as promised by God. As of such effort, Hagar gave birth to Ishmael. Sarai did this because she perceived that she cannot bear any children. Sarai was trying to establish the promise God made to Abram through her own effort. You can read the story in Genesis 15-16.

Interestingly, in Genesis 17, both Abram & Sarai were changed to Abraham & Sarah respectively.

"Abraham" in Hebrew אַבְרָהָם   means "father of a multitude"
"Sarah" in Hebrew שָׂרָה    means "female noble: lady, princess, queen"

Notice Sarah's name has become more feminine (from dominative to princess). Notice also the difference between their names before and after in Hebrew. There was an additional letter in both Abraham & Sarah names in Hebrew and that letter is   "hey"   ה  "Grace"!

Look at what Abraham said when God affirmed him of His promises in Gen 17:17-19. Abraham actually doubted because he was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old. He thought that his descendants will come from his off-spring Ishmael with Hagar. However, God told him "No." and said that he & Sarah shall bear a son and shall be named Isaac.

When God breath "hey" or grace into Abraham & Sarah names, what seem impossible became possible! Sarah eventually gave birth to Isaac, just as what God had promised to Abraham. This is what Grace is all about. Not by my might nor by my power, but by the power of His Spirit! Amen!

When Sarah tried to fulfill God's promise by getting Abraham to sleep with Hagar, God did not regard such effort at all because it was merely human effort! How are we sure God did not consider the efforts of Sarah???

Go to Gen 22:2, 2 Then He said, “Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.”

Here God wanted to test Abraham and so He told Abraham to bring Isaac to Mt Moriah. Notice God said "Take you ONLY son Isaac..." Wait a minute, but Isaac was not the only son Abraham had. Before Isaac was born, Abraham had a son Ishmael with Hagar!

Make no mistake, it is clear as far as God is concerned, Abraham had only one son Isaac who was born through God's grace. God did not regard Ishmael who was born of human effort.

In the same manner, it is important that we view our standing with God as righteous not because of our self-effort but because of the gift of righteousness through Christ Jesus. As far as God is concerned, God only regard Jesus as righteous. As long as we are in Christ, we are righteous in God's eye. Amen!

With this, let me close with this announcement.... As you may have notice by now... I'm in the midst of changing my Christian name from "Daniel" to "Haniel".

First of all, I want to thank you for giving me this Christian name "Daniel". Come to think about it, it has been 32 years. If there is one thing this name has brought forth in this 32 years, it will be the discovery of God in my life. And that alone is enough.

Looking back, as much as I embrace this name "Daniel - God is my judge", I felt it is time I move forward and be reminded of my God who made me become who I am today by His Grace. As such, I have decided to take on this name "Haniel - God is gracious".

Grace & peace be with you.

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