Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Week 36: Peace Paid For

Good day, Mdm!

Last week, we talk about Hebrew alefbet (which is the origin of all language). We even look into the names of Abraham & Sarah in Hebrew origin and see how God has breath "grace" into their names. In fact, the Old Testament of the Bible was written in Hebrew.

The Bible we read today are a translation from the original Hebrew. To some extent, the meaning after the translation may not have expressed fully to what it is intended as precise as it is in its original language.Therefore, when we want a more definite and deeper understanding behind the inspirations and writings of the Old Testament, it only make sense for us  to examine the Hebrew texts as it was originally written.  Likewise, the New Testament which was written in Greek can only be fully comprehend when we examine these texts in Greek.

Remember some time back, we look at the word "heal" in Hebrew? "Heal" in Hebrew is "rapha" (Pronounce: rah-fah).

This is how it look like in Hebrew character : רָפָא

Like chinese characters, Hebrew characters are read from right to left.The word "heal" consist of 3 characters in Hebrew.

"Resh"   רָ   picture of head; meaning first, beginning
"Pey"   פָ     picture of mouth; meaning speak
"Alef"     א    picture of Ox head; meaning strong, leader, sacrifice, God

So "heal" in Hebrew has to do with "first from our head, speaking of the sacrifice" and we know from the well-known verse "By His stripes, we are healed." Therefore, from a spiritual point of view, to receive healing, we need to confess the healing verses in the Bible and always proclaim the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus and His finished work. Amen!

The root word for "rapha" is "raphah" רָפָה

"Resh"   רָ   picture of head; meaning first, beginning
"Pey"   פָ     picture of mouth; meaning speak
"Hey"     ה        picture of man with hand raised; meaning look, reveal, breath, grace!

And if you assemble these characters, it look like this "first from our head, speaking of [God] grace!" The interesting thing is "raphah"  רָפָה    in English is the word "relax."

In other words, "healing" has something to do with "relax." Make sense? When a person is sick, you would normally advise the person to rest more,  relax and don't work so hard! (Please do not misunderstand that I am promoting laziness; The Bible says "if any man would not work, neither should he eat.." The "relax" here refers to taking rest from toils & torments resulting from issues of life. Jesus said " Peace... let not your heart be troubled..")

In Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know I am God." The words "Be still" in Hebrew is the word "raphah" or "relax". So it read like this " Relax, and know I am God."

So far so good? Can you see the richness in these translation? The beauty and infallible truths of God's Word. Hallelujah!

Let look at another word "Peace". In Hebrew is "Shalom" which mean "completeness, wholeness, health, peace, soundness, prosperity, perfectness, rest, harmony." So, in the origin language, "peace" is more than just simply peace, it is a complete peace. It is a feeling of contentment, completeness, wholeness, well being and harmony in Hebrew.

Interestingly, the root word for "shalom" is "shulam" and it mean "fully paid."
Let's go to John 20:19-20

19 Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled,[c] for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, “Peace be with you.” 20 When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.

Notice the disciples were fearful and hide themselves. Lord Jesus came and stood in the midst. The first thing He said to them is "Peace" or "Shalom" in Hebrew.  And then, He showed them His hands and His side.
Thomas, who simply could not believe that Christ had risen 
from the dead, touched the wound in Christ's side himself

Now, let's think for a moment.... God resurrected Jesus on the third day from death. We agree that God is all powerful. But, if He is so powerful, why would He want to leave the nail prints alone? Can't our almighty God capable of restoring the entire body of Jesus, including the nail prints?

As much as the nail prints represent the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus, most importantly it mean that our sins have been paid for. Our peace has been paid for! Amen! That's why Jesus said to his disciples in the midst of their fear "Peace" / "Shalom", followed by showing His nail prints, symbolizing the peace He gave has been paid for by Him being crucified at the cross. Hallelujah!

Hope you have enjoyed this revelation of truth as much as I do. Today, we can have the peace of God is on the basis it has been paid for. That's why in Hebrew, the word "peace" or "shalom" come from the root word "shulam" or "paid for". Praise be to our Lord, Jesus!

As I'll be travelling for the next few weeks, I'll stop writing the weekly sharing during this period. We will continue when I come back from the trip.

Grace and peace be with you!


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