Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Week 51: Knowing God- His Love (Part 2)

Good day, Mdm!

Last week, we say that God's love is immeasurable. I love what Apostle Paul said about God in Romans 11

Romans 11:33

33 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unfathomable (inscrutable, unsearchable) are His judgments (His decisions)! And how untraceable (mysterious, undiscoverable) are His ways (His methods, His paths)!

We cannot put God in a box because He is unfathomable! Amen! He is bigger than we can ever imagine. That's why whenever we run into problem, we don't focus on the problem. If we do, we put Him in a box. But how are we going to solve the problem?? The "How" department belong to God, not us. So we don't question how. The Bible say "All things are make for good for those who love Him and called according to His purpose." George Muller put it this way "sovereign goodness"

Some believer acknowledge the sovereignty of God and because of that, they adopt "Que Sera Sera / Whatever will be, will be" attitude. Such mentality does not exalt the glory of God. "Well, if God bless, bless lor... if don't bless, don't bless lor..." Although we do not "play God" in this case, neither are we exalting the name of God.

But what George Muller is saying is that God is in charge of All things (soverign) and yet He is good! And because God is sovereign and at the same time good, we can have hope with positive expectations. We do not view our situation with  "Que Sera Sera" attitude. Instead, we proclaim All things work for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Amen! Hallelujah! When a job opportunity door is shut, we know God is opening a even bigger door for us! Amen! You knew my story of looking for a job back then. The door for that job was shut because God opened a bigger and better door for me! Amen! God is sovereign and He is good! Hallelujah!

This week, we will continue to look into the Scriptures in search of knowing God. We will examine the story of Peter and find out what we can derive from the perspective of His love.

When Jesus began His ministry, He was preaching at the sea of Galilee. Let's follow the story from

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Week 50: Knowing God- His Love

Last week, we talk about this great man of God, George Muller. His priority back then was to keep himself happy in the Lord first thing in the morning when he woke up. Other things can wait. We learn also from him that in order to keep ourselves happy in the Lord is to know Him through the Scriptures. Here's a recap:

Happiness in God comes from seeing God revealed to us in the face of Jesus Christ through the Scriptures...Our eyes are divinely opened to see what a lovely Being God is! And this good, gracious, loving, heavenly Father is ours, our portion for time and for eternity.” Knowing God is the key to being happy in God.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Week 49: Spiritual Warfare - Happy Soul: How?

Good day!

I just came across this news about this teenage in the southern province of Hunan sold one of his kidneys in order to raise funds to buy Apple iphone. Yes, this is what I said:"What?" "What is this boy thinking?" "Why would he want to exchange his organ for something that probably will be obsoleted few years down the road?"

Kind of remind me of Esau in the Bible. He sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew.(Gen 25:29-34) Wait a minute, did I just mention "What is the boy thinking?" Ahhh.. Let's take a step back and look at this case from the perspective of the spiritual realm. What is that boy thinking? Remember, we said this before, what we think will eventually transform to what action we take.

Why would this boy want to own the iphone to the extend of giving up his kidney? Why would he want to give-up his God-given kidney for a worldly-made gadget? If he only knew how much God love him, he would not have traded-in his precious organ to the lust of this world.

Yes, the power of lust of this world. Today, we say:"No, I won't give in my kidney for the iphone." Well, to the extend we expose ourselves to this world, to the extend we are exposed to the lust of this world. But, the Bible say:" He (Jesus) who is in us is greater than he (Satan) who is in this world." Amen!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Week 48: Spiritual Warfare - Nourishing Our Soul

Good day, Mdm!

Thank God for His perfect plan. On the day when Adam sinned against God, God was not caught by surprised. God is on top of all things and He is still today. Amen! And His plan to redeem us from sin is perfect and complete. Jesus, our sacrificial Lamb, willingly died on the cross for us.

Jesus was not murdered, He laid down His life. Do you see the difference? Amen! Jesus knew where He came from and where He is going to. When the roman soldiers came to capture Jesus, they drew back and fell onto the ground when Jesus said "I Am He."  The word "I AM" was introduced to Moses when he asked God what should he say to people of Israelites who sent him. God replied "I AM" who sent you.

Exodus 3:15

15 God said also to Moses, This shall you say to the Israelites: The Lord, the God of your fathers, of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, has sent me to you! This is My name forever, and by this name I am to be remembered to all generations.

Here, God identified His Name as "I AM" What a name! As much as the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess.... God said by this name "I AM", He is remembered to all generations.

Now you see why the Roman soldiers drew back and fell onto the ground? They were shocked and afraid when Jesus identified Himself as God. Instead of they capturing Him, Jesus has to surrender Himself to them. Because He knew where He is going to, He was not carried away by His Godly authority. He knew He had to accomplish the task of going to the cross. This is the kind of God we serve.  All loving and all humbled, always composed and swift. Hallelujah!

Before we went for the Paris trip this year, I was not too keen to include Amsterdam in the itinerary. But, after much consideration, knowing we had quite a number of days to spare in Paris, we decided to head up to Amsterdam. While doing our research on Amsterdam, I got very excited when I saw there is display in Amsterdam.