Thursday, August 21, 2014

Week 46: Spiritual Warfare - Obedience Of Christ

We are in the series of Spiritual Warfare.. We have spoken about the devil's tactics and how he will try to stir up our emotions which would eventually lead us to manifest in our action. An angry man and continue to be angry will eventually punch someone on the face or worst still kill someone. Even if he can contain his anger, such frustration will eventually result in health problem to that person. No matter which angle you look at this, someone will suffer as a result. Be it the man with anger or the one being punched, someone will suffer.

Whatever it is, the devil doesn't care. His aim is to destroy us. Whoever suffer in this case, it is a win-win situation for the devil. That's why Spiritual Warfare always start with us and how we, by the grace of God, control our thoughts. When it comes to Spiritual Warfare, this passage is famous in the Bible and it has every reason to it.

2 Cor 10:3-5 (AMP)

 3 For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons.4 For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds,5 [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasoning and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One),

Notice here it says our warfare are not physical. We don't fight physically when we do spiritual warfare. And it says we have weapons from God and that weapon can destroy strongholds, cast down arguments, theories & reasoning, and every proud and lofty thing that exalts itself. What is so wrong about all these strongholds, arguments, theories & reasoning and things that exalts itself? Does it remind you of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden? What is so wrong about knowing the good and evil?

The verse continue, saying ".. against the true knowledge of God." When we start to hold on to our own believes, or reason & argue among ourselves, or exalt ourselves, all these are against the grain of knowing God. In other words, when we do these things, we forget who God is! It is not profitable to us. Again, as you can see..." own belief, reasoning, arguments, exalting oneself"  = self-focus! That's the devil tactics, nothing new.

The verse continue " and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ." From here,  we can see that Spiritual Warfare has to do with our mind, our thinking or thoughts! It is a mind game. Long time ago, I ever told a lady whom I knew for many years. I told her:"I've been going to church these days." And she replied:"Oh! so you are now being brain-washed by the church."

Brain-washed sounded like one is being manipulated or puppet, isn't it? But, do you know that the word "repentance" is the Greek word "metanoia" (pronounce me-tah-no-yah) literally means "change of mind." Repentance is not about beating your chest and crying out to God. One can do that and yet walk away with nothing changed in his life. In reality, When we listen to the Word of God, repentance is taking place! The way we think change when we receive His Words.

Do you call this "brain-washed"? I don't know. All I know is these days I reason less, I argue less, less strongholds reside in me, and if there is something I need to boast, I boast in my Lord, Jesus. Amen! That's is the power of God unto salvation. Salvation is more than just safe from going to hell. Salvation in Greek is "soteria" (pronounce so-tay-ree-ah) mean deliverance, preservation, safety, salvation. Think for a moment, do we need deliverance, preservation in heaven? Or do we need safety when we are in heaven? No, but we need these when we are on earth. Amen!

And this is what it mean by "bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." If let say you have a thought "Aiyah, now a days, cannot run far...." or ".. aiyah, don't think I can understand the Bible, so deep..." or "...aiyah, the pain on my leg will not go away even when I pray..." or " speak in tongue is not for me..." Capture all these thoughts (strongholds, arguments, reasoning, self exaltation) and bring them to the obedience of Christ.

What is the obedience of Christ? Note here is the obedience OF Christ, NOT obedience TO Christ. When we say "obedience to Christ", it is referring to our obedience. No, this is self-focusing again. It is never about how much we obey God and His Commandments. If so, then we are back to Law - do good get good, do bad get bad.The Law is good and holy, but it does not empower us to be holy. And because man were found doing bad more than doing good. God find fault with this old covenant (Hebrew 8:7-12).  Look at the recent case of Penang Nude Sports Games. Do these people are aware of the law against nudity in public? I am sure they do. But, does that knowledge empowered them not to do such event in public? Nope. The Law does not empower them.

Our obedience to God is never an effort on our part.  When we say "obedience of Christ", we are saying Christ's obedience. No more focusing on ourselves or our own efforts. None of us, all of Christ. Amen! It is His obedience to go through the cross. It is His obedience to go through the suffering, condemnation, punishment, curse, death & judgement of sin so that we can be free from the imputation, guilt and punishment of sin! Hallelujah!

Does that mean that we are free from the power and influence of sin? No, but when we know we are no longer under the judgement, condemnation & punishment of sin, the power and influence of sin will not have any grip on us. Take a moment to digest this. This is solid food for the soul. The world try fill their souls with drugs & alcoholism , the result is suicide and death. When we "feed" our soul with God's Word, it is life to those who find it and health to all their flesh! Amen!

A martial art expert with all his training in self-discipline, was not able to overcome his addiction on watching pornography for many years. No matter how discipline he was, he found it hard to quit this bad habit. One day, after receiving the teaching from the pastor, he started to confess that he is the righteousness of God in Christ even in the midst of his sinful act (watching pornography). He kept doing that. Each time he is sinning, he confessed he is the righteousness of God in Christ. Soon after, the addiction left him effortlessly. He was delivered from this addiction. He didn't have to struggle to remove this bad habit. It was effortless.

Do you see the implication here? When we don't look at our guilt, condemnation or judgement of our sin but instead look at our righteousness in Christ, it empower us to sin no more. The devil want to remind you of your sin, the power of sin lure you to sin but the key to break free from any addiction or bad habit is to focus on Jesus, His obedience and what His obedience mean to us. We are righteousness today because of His obedience at the cross. Our standing with God will never change. As far as God is concerned, we are righteous in Christ. Although sometime our state may not be so.

Don't confuse your standing with your state. The porno addict's state was he was sinning but his standing is he is righteous in Christ and he kept confessing his stand as righteous in Christ in the midst of his sinful act. The power and influence of sin cannot grab hold of him for long. Eventually, sin lose its power and he was delivered from this addiction. When we stand firm in our believes, that we are the righteousness in Christ, the power and influence of sin has to go. Amen! Hallelujah!

Hope you are enlightened to this truth as much as I have. When we keep focusing on Jesus, His Word and hold on to the Truth, good things (Grace-unmerited favor) will come to our lives.

This morning, while I was going to work, my wife messaged me and said that there was a train disruption from Punggol station to Buangkok station. So, I decided to take a bus from Punggol to Hougang station which then I can catch the train from Hougang. However, the bus was fully packed and there was no way to board it. I decided to take a cab instead, but there were no taxi to be found. Understandable since it was the morning peak hour. I was stacked at the bus stop not knowing what to do. I knew I will be late for work.

Not too long after, a private bus stopped right in front of me. They called it the "premium" bus. I noticed people were boarding this bus and in my spirit, I knew I need to board this bus as well. I kind of roughly know (thru the conversation around) that this bus will take us to the business district. I board this bus by faith. This bus actually brought me to clifford pier and was steps away from my office. As a result, I was not late for work. Hallelujah!

Was I aware of this premium bus service? No. Was I aware this bus is coming to my rescue? No, all I knew I was stack in Punggol and there was no mean for me to get out. But God know my need. Hallelujah!

The best thing is I was not panic nor was I worried. What was I doing? I was listening to sermon, focusing on Jesus. Amen! Good things happen when we focus on Him, Amen! When the situation seem hopeless and on dead end, God will provide the way. We don't need to panic nor worry because that is what the devil want you to do. All we need to do is to focus on Jesus and His obedience on the cross. Amen! Hallelujah!

Grace and peace be with you!

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