Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Week 53: Knowing God - His Love (Part 4)

Good day, Mdm!

Last week, we talk about exercising God's love for us. We said that Apostle John was one disciple whom knew how to do that. In the Gospel of John, he wrote very often "the disciple whom Jesus loved". Notice that this phrase is only used in the Gospel of John and not in any other Gospel like Matthew, Mark nor Luke.

Why? John was exercising Jesus's love for him. Just to elaborate a little more on this by an example. Let say you love your kids and decided to bring all of them to Paris. And assuming your kids have a habit of writing diary. So Ryan wrote " My mom brought me to Paris....." Ethel wrote "My mom brought me to Paris.." And then Carrie wrote "My mom brought the daughter whom she loved to Paris.."

Notice the difference? But does that mean that you love Carrie more than Ryan and Ethel? No, you showed your love equally among them because you brought all of them to Paris! What Carrie did was she practice your love for her. She is conscious of your love for her. Likewise, for Apostle John. Jesus love everyone of His disciples. John chose to practice and be conscious of Jesus's love for him.

Love is a powerful thing. Often, we see in the movie a mother could lift-off a heavy object like car in order to save her daughter who was trapped... out of love.We want to be empowered by this love..The more we are conscious of God's love for us, the more we are empowered to love others, Amen!

Last week, we also mentioned that although Jesus, out of His own mouth said "You shall love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul..." We claimed that He doesn't really mean it. What He did was to put Law at its highest form so that we will know we can never love God the way He love us. Whenever we think of Him giving up His only Son for all of us, we know deep inside our hearts He truly love us. Amen!

Are we sure about that claim? Because even till today, there are many believers still trying to love God with all their hearts, all their mind, all their soul! And when something or challenge happened in their lives, they started to question where is God? Worst of all, they will cite that they love God whole-heartedly but yet they could not seem to see God helping in their situation. This is very dangerous thinking. This is self-righteous thinking and it is back to the Law again. They are expecting God to bless them because they have been putting all their might to love God. Dangerous.

Is God really expecting us to love Him with all our hearts, all our mind and all our souls? Let's settle this thinking or believing once and for all.

Let's go back to the story of Peter. Remember few weeks ago, we saw how Peter failed big time despite following Jesus for three and a half years. He was "loud", always boasting of his love for Jesus. But only to deny Jesus three times when He was captured. Not only that, Peter cursed and swear at Jesus. So much so about his love for Jesus.

After Jesus was resurrected, He forgave and restored Peter. And then few days later, Jesus blessed Peter with load sinking net of fishes. When Peter knew it was Jesus at the shore, he jumped into the water and swam towards Jesus.

Let's pick up the story in John 21

14 This is now the third time Jesus showed Himself to His disciples after He was raised from the dead.

15 So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah,[b]do you love Me more than these?”
He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.”
He said to him, “Feed My lambs.”

16 He said to him again a second time, “Simon, son of Jonah,[c] do you love Me?”
He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.”
He said to him, “Tend My sheep.”

17 He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah,[d] do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?”
And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.”
Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep.

Notice here, while they were having breakfast, Jesus questioned Peter if he still love Him three times and Peter answered "yes", he still love Jesus. It may seem like Jesus was still talking about "love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul.." and it may seem like Peter was still "loud" about his love for Jesus.

Know that by now, Peter had failed Jesus and was restored. According to the Scriptures, this was the third time Jesus showed Himself to His disciples after resurrection. Was Peter really that "loud" as before? Was Jesus still emphasizing about "love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul"?

Remember, the New Testament was originally written in Greek. This passage can be understood clearly when we go back to the passage and examine the text in Greek.

When Jesus asked Peter if he still love Him. The word love in Greek is agapao (pronounce ah-gah-pay-o). This mean unconditional love, the highest form of love. Just like Jesus died for us was agapao love, unconditional love. Whether we appreciate it or not, He laid down His life for us all. Agapao. No condition attached. If my daughter love me because I bring her to play ground every time, that's Not agapao because the love in this case is based on a condition.

Let's continue.... Then, Peter answered "Yes, Lord. I love You." Here the word love is phileo (pronounce fee-leo), and NOT agapao! Phileo mean brotherly love. This is not the highest form of love. Ahhh... notice Peter was not so "loud" about his love for Jesus now. After he failed previously, he realized he could not love Jesus unconditionally. As such, he could only phileo Jesus.

Second time, Jesus asked him "Do you agapao Me?" Peter answered "I phileo You." And the third time, guess what? Jesus asked "Do you phileo Me?" Jesus for the third time, He changed His tone! No more agapao! Why? Because He knew Peter could not. Peter, though restored, still grieved over his failure at the cross. When he answered Jesus, he could only phileo Him, he dare not agapao Jesus. Peter was humbled.

Now, with that in mind, look at how Jesus answered him. Jesus said "Feed My sheep." What does that mean? Notice Jesus had entrusted the "feeding" of sheep into Peter's hand despite Peter phileo love for Jesus! Was Jesus expecting Peter to agapao love for Him? No! If He was expecting the unconditionally love from Peter, He would not have entrust the sheep to Peter, agree?

Three times, Peter said "I phileo You." Jesus did not withdraw His command to Peter. He said "Feed My sheep." In other words, Jesus was alright with Peter "phileo" love, Amen! If God is looking for someone " love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul..." we doubt Jesus would entrust the responsibility of feeding the sheep to Peter, agree?

Think for a moment, this was after Jesus went through the beating, humiliation, shedding of blood, died on the cross. And the reason for doing all these is to save all of us. He was then entrusting Peter (who failed big time; who now only phileo Jesus) to feed His sheep! Is God really looking for our agapao love? If He is, will He entrust His plan of salvation (which cost God His Son) to Peter whom could not even assure Jesus of his agapao love?

Only God can love us that way! And is clearly and eternally displayed on the cross! Amen! Hallelujah! Let's us therefore not be concerned about whether we are loving God enough, but be aware about His love for us! In 1 John 4:19, it says "We love Him because He first loved us." Amen!

Grace, love and peace be with you always!


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