Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Week 14: More on God's Word

Good Day Mdm!

Last week we've mentioned about meditating on God's Word and the healing it can bring forth to our body (not just spirtual health). In essence, the bible is like a medicine. Of course, we do not despise doctors. We do believe in medicine and doctors for they are on our side, fighting the same enemy! But as much as there are natural means to restore our physical health, we believe our God has also provide the means to restore us from this fallen condition of this world, Amen?

Be warned though, God's Word do have side-effect... It will rejuvernate you and make you look younger! Go to Genesis 20 and read the story of Abimelech & Abraham. King Abimelech wanted Sarah for his harem only to find out (through God) that she was Abraham's wife.... Wait a minute, before chapter 20, in chapter 17 verse 17, it was mentioned Sarah's age was 90 years old! Think for a moment... Why would a King of all the women he can have, want Sarah (old as mentioned in Gen 18:11) for his harem??? Why would Abraham need to lie to the King about his wife???  The bible says that Abimelech took Sarah into his harem when Abraham said she was his sister. Do you think at that moment Sarah was physically attractive or spiritually attractive in the eyes of King Abimelech?

 Actually, this week I would like to share more on the Holy Communion. I can't stress more how important this topic is... The more I listen to the sermon and look into the Word, the more I am convinced Holy Communion is one of the greatest gift from our Lord Jesus. Having said that, I'm going to KIV this sharing until next week. This is because I've just come across these videos relating to God's Word and I believe it is going to bless you.

Remember Proverbs 4:22 

"22 For they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh."

Enjoy and be blessed by these sermons!



Dated: 4 Dec 2013

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