Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Week 32: The Blood of Christ

Good day, Mdm!

Last week, we talk about the love of our Heavenly Father. And that unconditional love is forever displayed at the cross. Amen! Whenever we look at the cross, we know God is for us, His undeserved favor is with us, His love for us is everlasting. Amen!

Have you ever wonder, apart from Jesus,  can anyone whom decided to go the cross be able to save mankind and accomplished the work which Jesus did by dying at the cross? The answer is no, of course. But why? Why only Jesus can save the world and nobody else is qualified?

The reason is because He is the Son of God. But this reason is not enough to explain why His death is justifiable to have the power to redeem every single soul and made them righteous before God.

To understand this, we need to understand what happen at the garden of Eden. In Genesis, when Adam sinned against God, his blood was tainted with sin. The entire human race is thus known as sinners because all the off-springs are tainted with sins and the original source is from Adam. (We  discussed this before in previous discussion based on the verse Rom 5:19; another reference will be Rom 5:12).

Roman 5:12

12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned—

With that in mind, imagine before the birth of Christ, if anyone, be it Abraham or David or Jacob or anyone, who was griefed with the fallen world and decided to sacrify his life to save the world, his blood would not have any redeeming power. Why? because his blood was tainted with sin.

What about Jesus? Isn't He born of virgin Mary whose blood was tainted with sin as well?

Here's an extract taken from this website :


It explain God's foolproof strategy for bypassing the tainted blood of Adam :

"........conception occurs when the female ovum is united with the male sperm. Only after fertilization does life and embryonic growth commence. Cardiovascular development occurs soon after fertilization. Without fertilization there could be no blood.

Mary was unfertilized; meaning she didn't know a man in the biblical sense. She conceived the Son of God by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. The virgin birth produced a human being with sin-free blood that was not of Adamic origin.

Yet, Christ did have blood, didn't He? Therefore some form of fertilization must have taken place. She was impregnated by the Word of God through the Holy Spirit!

John 1:14 says, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth."

It is a biological fact that Mary could not have independently furnished Jesus with her blood. What she did supply was an egg that God would use to prepare Jesus' earthly body. Mary carried in her body the egg, which contained all the chromosomes to grow the fingers, toes, hands, ears, eyes, and nose, but she did not contribute directly to His blood; that was the work of the Holy Spirit.

As a baby develops in the womb, it is separated from the mother by the placenta. The mother's blood comes to the placenta, but stops there. It bathes the outside of the placenta, then through the process of osmosis, diffusion, and capillary attraction, the necessary nutrients and oxygen flow through the membrane that separates mother from child, and eventually pass into the baby's bloodstream through the umbilical cord. the infant's umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, not the mother. The mother's blood circulates on one side of the placenta. The baby's blood circulates on the other side.

The baby's blood, which is a self-contained cardiovascular system, doesn't mingle with its mother's blood. It receives nutrition and oxygen indirectly from her blood, but does not receive her blood itself. In fact, the child's blood is often a completely different blood type than the mother's.

The significance of the virgin birth means that because Jesus was truly born of a virgin, there is only one place His blood could have come from, and it wasn't of this earth! He had His Father's blood!"

Brilliant plan, isn't it? Come to think about it, it make no sense if God is after human sacrifice in the old testament. This is because the human blood were tainted with sin. How can a sinner be cleansed of sin by another human sacrifice whose blood were tainted with sin as well? That's why in the old testament, the sacrificial objects were always animals and never human being.

And the entire Bible voice down to ONLY one human sacrifice for the remission of sin. Not only His blood is not tainted with sin at birth, His entire earthly ministry was without sin. As much as He was tempted to sin, He kept His holiness. So that at the cross when He cried out "It is finished!", we know there is power in this divine blood He shed. It is no ordinary blood, it is not blood tainted with sin, it is the blood directly from our Heavenly Father! Amen! Precious as it is, the divine exchange took place as described in 2 Cor 5:21

2 Corinthians 5:21

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Hallelujah! Now that you look at the cross, do you see a deeper meaning to this entire grace of our Lord and the love of our Heavenly Father?

The work is completed at the cross and therefore, there is nothing else we need to do but to believe our standing before God is righteous in Christ. Amen!

The next time when we take holy communion, remember when Jesus shed His blood, that blood is without blemished. That blood is more than qualified to cleanse us from our sins. And when we partake our communion in such manner, we are partaking in  a manner worthy of His sacrifice. Amen!

Grace & peace be with you!



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