Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Week 16: It's all about His love

Good day, Mdm!

Last week, we talked about the significance of Holy Communion, partaking the bread in a worthy manner. We also looked into the scriptures in detail and know that eating the bread has to do with our healing, health and wellness. With that, we are much pretty done with this sharing which has to do with the topic on "healing". I would encourage you to do this as often as you can. Also, do keep listening to the sermons on healing or read the books/scriptures pertaining to healing. Faith is very important when you are partaking the elements. By listening to the Word of God, it will help you to build up your faith.

Believe has two sides of a coin - faith & fear. If you have faith (a form of believe in the spiritual) that eating the bread will make you wholesome, it will. Likewise, if you fear (a form of believe in the natural) that eating the bread will make you gain weight, it will. Therefore, believing right is important for us to live right. Amen!

Ok, for this period of time... I believe everyone will be busy shopping, travelling, partying, I'll be sharing for the last time for this year. We'll resume beginning next year. With Christmas round the corner, let's just focus on the significance of this celebration.

We all know that when we celebrate Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Christ. His birth is part of God's plan to redeem the world from the curse of sin. And we know that God has this plan because in John 3:16, it says:" "For God so loved the world.... "

Without a doubt, God love us... to the extend of sacrificing His Son! How do you feel when you first hear this? Do you feel loved? To be honest, I don't. Because I cannot relate how God, by sacrificing his Son, love me???

It is very much like a stranger come to you and say that he love you. Very difficult to understand nor relate. So you might ask the stranger:" What do you love about me? What is the reason?" Let say for example, the stranger start to reveal his identity as your father and begin to tell you the touching story why you are abandoned and seek your forgiveness.... (Sounds like a typical drama, isn't it?) Probably, by then, you might feel for his love towards you, isn't it?

Likewise, in order for us to understand God's love, we need to find out more about Him and the reason why He love us.... Where can we find the answer? The bible, of course.

In Gen 1:26-28 

" Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all[b] the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them...."

Clearly, we are created by God. Not only did God blessed man after the creation, He gave man authority over all others of His creation! Note that if you read the previous verses, God created other creatures as well but none of them were given the authority over the earth. If the creator of this universe God want man to take ownership over the earth, we do mean something to Him, isn't it?

What happen next? Man fell, sin entered into this world when Adam disobeyed God's instruction not to take of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
When sin enter this world, ageing, deterioration, sickness, death become part and parcel of human life. And it gotten worse.

Gen 6:5-7"Then the Lord[b] saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7 So the Lord said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.”

Man became evil and God grieved in His heart. Have you ever grieved over someone? Isn't it true that you will grief over someone because you love that person? This is exactly how God felt...He was on the verge to destroy the entire evil mankind, yet He did not. The following verse says" Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." Subsequently, God made a convenant with Noah that there will never be another flood to destroy the earth.

Now, when God made a promise, He cannot reverse it... Yet, the sin on earth has not been fully dealt with... What to do? God cannot send another flood to destroy mankind because of His convenant with Noah.

The problem then was God is a just God; If a sinner is not punished because God become soften on sin, then God is no longer a just God. Yet, God love His creation, man. What a dilemma..... (Fast Forward...) That's why Jesus came into the picture. Just like any other sacrificial lamb (which blood were used to cover the sins of the sinner), His blood was required to redeem every man on this earth of their sins.

When we are saved, our sins are covered by the blood of Jesus, we became righteous in the eyes of God. Therefore, God cannot punish us for our sins because Jesus had already bored the sins of all mankind 2000 years ago and was punished once and for all. God cannot punish the same sin twice.  What a plan!

Only when we understand our God, then can we understand His love for us. The reverse is true. Without knowing how much He love us, our eyes will continue to set upon the things of this world.... Have a look at these video clips:

With this, I know everyone will be busy celebrating during this festive seasons, I leave you with this verse...

2 Cor 13:11 (NIV) 

11 Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.

And also, take a peek of the upcoming movie:

Finally finally, I leave you with this "million dollar chicken" video by Chef John... I thought you might need this just in case you need to cook up an "expensive" dish for your friends...

Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



P.S. There is a reason why those breads are underneath the chicken... Don't forget to take your holy communion! :P

Dated: 18 Dec 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Week 15: Bread Talk

Good day to you, Mdm!

Wow.. yet another year has come and will be gone soon.. I hope your year has been fulfilling.. both outside as well as inside.. It has been a great year for me.. Though I had a rough start, I'm glad it is going to end well. Praise the Lord!

Last week, we talked about meditating on God's Word and the goodness His Word could bring forth in terms of healing, health, wholeness, peace and completeness. I believe by now you have fully understand what meditating God's Word is all about- slowly "chewing" and digesting each and every word until all the "nutrients" are fully absorbed into your body!

Now, as mentioned last week, this week we will take a closer look at "Holy Communion". This is important... Why?? Because there is a provision given to all of us as children of God. It is free and yet not cheap?? because Jesus has paid for it at the cross! And until we understand it, it will be left unclaimed!

Many of us are aware that by drinking the wine, we are believing that that's the blood of Christ was shed for the forgiveness of our sins. Even the bible states that very clearly. However, when partaking the bread, there hasn't been a clear explanation of its purpose. Some believe taking both bread & wine together are mean for the forgiveness of sins. So, are these two elements for different purposes or for the same reason which is the forgiveness of sins??

When Paul wrote to the Corinthians about the conduct of Lord's supper, he was pretty upset about the way they partook the communion. And then he went on to say in 1Cor 11:30 " 30 For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep."

Note the sequence of order - weak , sick & many sleep (which means die at young age). He was talking of physical conditions of these Corinthians. Apparently, they were not looking good. And notice Paul said "For this reason" - in other words, there is only one (singular) reason why they were in such condition. What was it? Let's take a look at the context to understand what he was saying.

1 Cor 11:27-30 

27 Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood[d] of the Lord. 

28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 

29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner[e] eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s[f] body. 30 For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep."

The Last Supper: Bread & wine representing the body & blood of Christ

Paul stressed the importance of eating the bread and drinking the wine in a worthy manner. What is considered a worthy manner? Look at verse 29 "not discerning the Lord's body. For this reason......"

In other words, many are weak, sick and die young because they are NOT taking the holy communion in a proper manner! The bread represents the body of Christ. That's why Jesus said He is the bread of life. And in the Lord's prayer, we are taught to say " give us our daily "bread"!

Make no mistake about it .. Partaking the bread has to do with healing our body! The bible says "We are one body of Christ!" By taking the bread, we reckon to be part of Christ's body. If God want us to be part of Christ in a body, would you think that He wants this body to be weak, sick and die young???

Remember, the Law of First mention... The "law of first-mention" is the principle in the interpretation of Scripture which states that the first mention or occurrence of a subject in Scripture establishes an unchangeable pattern, with that subject remaining unchanged in the mind of God throughout Scripture.

Ever wonder when the word "bread" was first mentioned in the bible and what revelation it gives??
It was first mention in Gen 3:19 "In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread "

Interesting, eating bread has something to do with us sweating. Some interpret this verse as "you got to work hard (sweat) in order to earn your meal (bread)."
When you look up the meaning of the word "sweat" ... it also mean worry, anxiety, lose sleep, agonise, fuss, panic, agitation.

 I would classify these "worry, anxiety, lose sleep, agonise, fuss, panic, agitation" as "weak". "Weak" always come before "sick". In the modern medical science, it has been proven that the root of major illness & sickness (SICK) has to do with worry, fear and stress (WEAK)! (You've heard the sermon on "The root of your problem is condemnation", you know what I am saying).

Are you seeing the love of God now? Imagine, since the fall of Adam and the curse of sin enter into this world, it is already in His mind to provide a way out for us!

If this is not enough, look at what Jesus did after He rose from the dead... He followed a couple back to Emmaus... (you know the story).. He broke bread for them before He disappeared in front of them. Before He went to the cross, He broke bread for His disciples, after He rose from the dead, the first he did was to break bread for this couple.  What does that tell you?

He want to tell us that breaking bread is more than just remembering Him, it is about remembering what He has done for us at the cross! And when we partake the bread with sickness in our body, we can boldly say to this sickness that it does not belong here because Jesus has already paid for it and taken it to the cross. Hallelujah!

Now, when you meditate these verses like John 14:27 & Proverbs 4:22. Do they make sense to you now?

And the word "peace" in Hebrew is "Shalom" which means "peace, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, health!" Praise the Lord!

I hope you're blessed by this sharing. Sorry for being lengthy this week coz this is important. If Jesus can spent almost 3/4 of His ministry in healing, how much more do you think He want us to be in good health as children of God? Amen!

Smith Wigglesworth (a plumber) had raised more than 10 dead people during his ministry and those miracles were recorded. He took holy communion everyday. With this, I urge that you will practise holy communion as and when possible (DO NOT make it a ritual but do it in a worthy manner).



Dated: 11 Dec 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Week 14: More on God's Word

Good Day Mdm!

Last week we've mentioned about meditating on God's Word and the healing it can bring forth to our body (not just spirtual health). In essence, the bible is like a medicine. Of course, we do not despise doctors. We do believe in medicine and doctors for they are on our side, fighting the same enemy! But as much as there are natural means to restore our physical health, we believe our God has also provide the means to restore us from this fallen condition of this world, Amen?

Be warned though, God's Word do have side-effect... It will rejuvernate you and make you look younger! Go to Genesis 20 and read the story of Abimelech & Abraham. King Abimelech wanted Sarah for his harem only to find out (through God) that she was Abraham's wife.... Wait a minute, before chapter 20, in chapter 17 verse 17, it was mentioned Sarah's age was 90 years old! Think for a moment... Why would a King of all the women he can have, want Sarah (old as mentioned in Gen 18:11) for his harem??? Why would Abraham need to lie to the King about his wife???  The bible says that Abimelech took Sarah into his harem when Abraham said she was his sister. Do you think at that moment Sarah was physically attractive or spiritually attractive in the eyes of King Abimelech?

 Actually, this week I would like to share more on the Holy Communion. I can't stress more how important this topic is... The more I listen to the sermon and look into the Word, the more I am convinced Holy Communion is one of the greatest gift from our Lord Jesus. Having said that, I'm going to KIV this sharing until next week. This is because I've just come across these videos relating to God's Word and I believe it is going to bless you.

Remember Proverbs 4:22 

"22 For they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh."

Enjoy and be blessed by these sermons!



Dated: 4 Dec 2013