Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week 5 Supplement

Yo Mdm,

Good day to you!

Just to be sure the message is crystal clear about focusing on Jesus. Please see Pastor Prince message below.

This is something I want to share and really hope you could come to this revelation.

Eversince his teaching on grace, I begin to embrace "grace". Grace is a person. Grace is Jesus Christ. Think of what He has done for us on the cross!

Interestingly, according to the teaching, if we want to find out the significance of a particular subject in the bible, we apply the Law of First Mentioned.

For example, let's look at the word "Grace" and see when was it first mentioned in the bible. The word "Grace" is first mentioned in Gen 6:8 "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."

Here, it says that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Interestingly, if you translate the word"Noah" in Hebrew, it mean "rest". In other words, rest found grace!

We cannot earn grace. Grace is unmerited, undeserved favor of God. We cannot work hard for it. We cannot say that "I serve God so many years, I'll have more grace."

But, here in the bible.... it says "rest" found grace.. In other words, if we put our "rest" on Jesus, we will find grace!

Now you know why I embrace "rest".

The thing is , now that our faith is in Christ, we have tasted His goodness. We want our siblings, loved one to come to know Christ and enjoy His goodness as well. But, bringing such message across is often not easy.

That remind me of a great motivation speaker John C Maxell. He is a great motivational speaker when it come to leadership teaching. The thing is he has been a great influence even to people who are unsaved. He once said this in our church:" I've been imparting all this leadership teaching to the world and is creating an impart, great leaders are being rised. The thing is all this teaching come from the bible and yet these people are not aware!"

I totally embrace his way of spreading the gospel to the unsaved. When bringing the good news to their life is not an option, the other thing we can do is to apply the principles of God in their lives.

So having that in mind, back to the subject of "rest". If I can't preach the gospel to the people around me, I hope I can apply God's principle in their lives. Just like going to JB for shopping/eating. Rest = relaxing = refreshing =grace   You know what I mean.

I don't know about you. But,  I'm finding reading bible no longer a drag. It is so interesting. I'm motivated and looking to learn Hebrew & Greek so that I can understand God's Word even deeper.

Hope you are blessed by this sharing!

God bless!


Dated: 3 Sep 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week 5

Hello Mdm,

Hope you have a good run and rested well. Indeed, rest is the holiness thing you can do!Yes, being holy has something to do with rest. That's why when you said you intend to rest after the HK100 run, I thought it  is a good idea. Amen! The chinese saying goes:' Rest so as to walk a greater distance in life." Pastor Prince has preached a lot on the importance of "rest". I'm sure you'll be blessed listening to those sermon in which I've copied for you.

Well, the reason why I wrote this email is because I was amazed by how the spirit worked in our midst. Remember tonight in your car, when I was talking to you about focusing on Jesus and illustrating the story about Peter walking on water? After I went back home, I decided to listen to one or two sermon from Pastor Prince in youtube.

Lo & behold, the very first video I selected was this man of God preaching exactly what I was talking to you about in the car! The amazing thing is I've not heard him preach this before, even though I've been listening a lot of his sermon lately.  Of course, his revelation on this message is far more greater & deeper. Check this out:

Praise God! I believe when God allow us to see this subject mentioned twice, there is great significance in it. Do spend some time to meditate on this "Focus on Jesus"

And then, I remember I spoke about self righteousness in the car as well.... Guess what I received in the daily devotion from New Creation (see below)...... The subject on Righteousness... Coincidence? I believe it is God-incidence.

The bible say: The steps of the righteousness are ordered by the Lord. Let us continue to feed on His Word and be led by His Spirit.

Have a good week ahead!

God bless!


Dated: 1 Sep 2013