Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week 78: Himself

Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for Your grace. Thank you for taking on the cross; the divine exchange for our health, wholeness and completeness where we don't deserve. You shed Your precious blood so that we are covered today by Your favor, love and blessings. Amen! Thank you, Jesus.

This week we will take a little break from the series "Seeing Jesus In OT". We will continue next week.

As I was doing the domestic work today, I heard faintly these thoughts running through my mind. "When a person agreed and shared the same sentiments as the other, there is a sense of concurrence for both parties." Whenever two parties come together and share about their same hobbies and interest, usually that conversation or communion will last longer than any couple without any common subject.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Week 77: Seeing Jesus In OT- The Smitten Rock

This week, in continuing our discussion to find Jesus in OT, we want to examine the "Rock", a type of Christ mentioned  in two very similar episodes that both occur at a place named Meribah., 

The first instance occurred at "Horeb" (i.e., Mt. Sinai) near the beginning of Israel's wandering in the wilderness, while the second occurred forty years apart at Kadesh, near the beginning of Israel's entrance into the Land of Promise. Let's look at the passage of the first occurrence:

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Week 76:Seeing Jesus In OT - The Sacrifice of Isaac

When we read the account of Abraham in OT, we knew that he came a long way. At his old age, He did not have any children. God changed his name from Abram to Abraham which mean "father of many nations" and by His grace, Abraham was blessed with Isaac. After that, Abraham was put to the ultimate test. He was told by God in Genesis 22:1-2 to take his son Isaac, his only begotten son (Hebrews 11:17), to the land of Moriah to offer him there as a burnt offering. Isaac was the son Abraham had waited for so long to have., but he did not hesitate and took his son to the mountain as commanded by God to perform the sacrifice.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Week 75: Seeing Jesus In Old Testament - The Bronze Serpent

Look at this picture and find the hidden numbers from 1 to 20.

This is exactly the kind of mindset we should have when we read the Old Testament. Of course, we are not looking for the numbers here, but we want to search for Jesus hidden in Old Testament. For He is the shadow of good things to come in the Old, we want to unveil Him.